Leslie Mills
Wings Written By Jason Blume

I was
Living in a fantasy
For somebody to rescue me
But I found a way to light the dark
It was always here inside my heart
No more fairy tale pretending
I'll make my own happy ending

If I wasn't meant to fly
I wouldn't have these wings
I wouldn't reach up to the sky
Every night in my dreams
There's a voice inside of me
Saying “I can do anything”
‘Cause if I wasn't meant to fly
I wouldn't have these wings

There's a
Star that's shining down on me
Everything that I can be
Every journey starts inside my heart
There's no mountain that's too far
‘Cause if I set my mind to it
Whatever it is I can do it


To take me farther
Than I ever thought I'd go
Higher than the Heavens
‘Cause deep inside I know


Mirror lyrics:


‘Cause deep inside I know
Higher than the Heavens
Than I ever thought I'd go
To take me farther


Whatever it is I can do it
‘Cause if I set my mind to it
There's no mountain that's too far
Every journey starts inside my heart
Everything that I can be
Star that's shining down on me
There's a

I wouldn't have these wings
‘Cause if I wasn't meant to fly
Saying “I can do anything”
There's a voice inside of me
Every night in my dreams
I wouldn't reach up to the sky
I wouldn't have these wings
If I wasn't meant to fly

I'll make my own happy ending
No more fairy tale pretending
It was always here inside my heart
But I found a way to light the dark
For somebody to rescue me
Living in a fantasy
I was

Relevant Tags:
WWings WWritten BBy JJason BBlume ings ritten y ason lume iWngs rWitten yB aJson lBume aings aritten vy kason vlume aWings aWritten vBy kJason vBlume
Waings Waritten Bvy Jkason Bvlume 3ings 3ritten gy iason glume 3Wings 3Written gBy iJason gBlume W3ings W3ritten Bgy Jiason Bglume dings dritten ny mason nlume
dWings dWritten nBy mJason nBlume Wdings Wdritten Bny Jmason Bnlume eings eritten hy nason hlume eWings eWritten hBy nJason hBlume Weings Weritten Bhy Jnason Bhlume
sings sritten Byy hason Bllume sWings sWritten B hJason Bume Wsings Wsritten By Jhason Bulme 2ings 2ritten Bg uason Bkume 2Wings 2Written uJason Bklume
W2ings W2ritten Byg Juason Blkume qings qritten Bh Jaason Boume qWings qWritten Json Bolume Wqings Wqritten Byh Jsaon Bloume Wiings Wrritten B6 Jzson Bpume
Wngs Witten B6y Jzason Bplume Wnigs Wirtten By6 Jazson Blpume Wjngs Wditten Bu Jqson Bluume Wjings Buy Jqason Blme Wijngs Wrditten Byu Jaqson Blmue
W9ngs W4itten B7 Jsson Blhme W9ings W4ritten B7y Jsason Blhume Wi9ngs Wr4itten By7 Jasson Bluhme Wlngs Wgitten Bj Jwson Bl7me Wlings Wgritten Bjy Jwason Bl7ume
Wilngs Wrgitten Byj Jawson Blu7me Wongs Wtitten Bt Jxson Blkme Woings Wtritten Bty Jxason Wiongs Wrtitten Byt Jaxson Blukme Wkngs W5itten Blime
Wkings W5ritten Jaon Bliume Wikngs Wr5itten Jaosn Bluime W8ngs Wfitten Jazon Bl8me W8ings Wfritten Bl8ume Wi8ngs Wrfitten Jaszon Blu8me
Wungs Weitten Jawon Bljme Wuings Bljume Wiungs Wreitten Jaswon Blujme Winngs Wriitten Jadon Blyme Wigs Wrtten Jadson Blyume
Wigns Wrtiten Jasdon Bluyme Wimgs Wrjtten Jaeon Blumme Wimngs Wrjitten Jaeson Blue Winmgs Wrijtten Jaseon Bluem Wihgs Wr9tten Jaxon Bluje
Wihngs Wr9itten Winhgs Wri9tten Jasxon Blumje Wijgs Wrltten Jaaon Bluke Wrlitten Winjgs Wriltten Jasaon Blumke
Wibgs Wrotten Jasoon Blune Wibngs Wroitten Jasn Blunme Winbgs Wriotten Jasno Blumne Winggs Wrktten Jaskn Blumee Wins Wrkitten Jaskon Blum
Winsg Wriktten Jasokn Blume Winhs Wr8tten Jas9n Blums Wr8itten Jas9on Blumse Winghs Wri8tten Jaso9n Blumes Winys Wrutten Jas0n Blum3
Winygs Wruitten Jas0on Blum3e Wingys Wriutten Jaso0n Blume3 Winbs Writtten Jasln Blumf

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