Lesley Gore
Words We Don't Say

You think it'll rain
I'm gonna be late
Look at the time fly
Wish I could stay

Words we don't say
Words we don't say
Trying to hide night after night
Drifting away

Something to keep
Between you and me
Look at the bright side
Wish I could stay

Words we don't say
Words we don't say
Trying to hide night after night
Drifting away on words we don't say

Mirror lyrics:

Drifting away on words we don't say
Trying to hide night after night
Words we don't say
Words we don't say

Wish I could stay
Look at the bright side
Between you and me
Something to keep

Drifting away
Trying to hide night after night
Words we don't say
Words we don't say

Wish I could stay
Look at the time fly
I'm gonna be late
You think it'll rain

Relevant Tags:
WWords WWe DDon't SSay ords e on't ay oWrds eW oDn't aSy aords ae xon't zay aWords aWe xDon't zSay Waords Wae Dxon't Szay
3ords 3e eon't way 3Words 3We eDon't wSay W3ords W3e Deon't Sway dords de fon't day dWords dWe fDon't dSay Wdords Wde Dfon't Sday
eords ee ron't eay eWords eWe rDon't eSay Weords Wee Dron't Seay sords se con't xay sWords sWe cDon't xSay Wsords Wse Dcon't Sxay
2ords 2e son't aay 2Words 2We sDon't aSay W2ords W2e Dson't Saay qords qe Doon't qWords qWe Dn't Sy Wqords Wqe Dno't Sya
Woords Dkn't Szy Wrds W Dkon't Wrods We Dokn't Sazy Wkrds Ws D9n't Sqy Wkords D9on't Sqay Wokrds Wes Do9n't Saqy
W9rds W3 D0n't Ssy W9ords D0on't Ssay Wo9rds We3 Do0n't Sasy W0rds Wf Dln't Swy W0ords Wfe Dlon't Wo0rds Wef Doln't Sawy
Wlrds Wr Din't Sxy Wlords Wre Dion't Wolrds Wer Doin't Saxy Wirds W4 Donn't Sayy Wiords W4e Do't Sa Woirds We4 Do'nt Say
Worrds Wd Dom't Sag Wods Domn't Sagy Wodrs Wed Donm't Sayg Wodds Ww Doh't Sah Wodrds Wwe Dohn't Sahy Wordds Wew Donh't Sayh
Wo4ds Doj't Sa6 Wo4rds Dojn't Sa6y

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