Lobos, Los
Hurry Tomorrow

All avenues lead to one
Baby you can walk or run
Get there first or next or last, it don't matter

Take it slow or take it fast
You cannot overtake your past
Can't hurry up tomorrow, let it come

Hurry up tomorrow, I don't know
Where love's gone or where it still may go
I can see the raindrops roll
Down my bedroom window slow
Like they're strumming, on the guitar of my soul

Hurry tomorrow
Hurry up

Hurry up another day
Let the guitar player play
Music makes it seem alright while it's playing

Should I stand or should I speak?
Hold me up my knees are weak
Dancing cheek to cheek with you
After midnight

Hurry up tomorrow, I don't know
Where love's gone or where it still may go
I can see the raindrops roll
Down my bedroom window slow
Like they're strumming, like they're strumming on my soul
On the heartstrings of my soul [unverified]

Hurry tomorrow
Hurry up

Hurry up tomorrow, I don't know
Where love's gone or where it still may go
I can see the raindrops [unverified] my bedroom window slow
Like they're strumming, like they're strumming, on my soul

Hurry tomorrow
Hurry it slow
Hurry tomorrow, oh yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Hurry tomorrow, oh yeah
Hurry it slow
Hurry tomorrow

Like they're strumming, like they're strumming, on my soul
I can see the raindrops [unverified] my bedroom window slow
Where love's gone or where it still may go
Hurry up tomorrow, I don't know

Hurry up
Hurry tomorrow

On the heartstrings of my soul [unverified]
Like they're strumming, like they're strumming on my soul
Down my bedroom window slow
I can see the raindrops roll
Where love's gone or where it still may go
Hurry up tomorrow, I don't know

After midnight
Dancing cheek to cheek with you
Hold me up my knees are weak
Should I stand or should I speak?

Music makes it seem alright while it's playing
Let the guitar player play
Hurry up another day

Hurry up
Hurry tomorrow

Like they're strumming, on the guitar of my soul
Down my bedroom window slow
I can see the raindrops roll
Where love's gone or where it still may go
Hurry up tomorrow, I don't know

Can't hurry up tomorrow, let it come
You cannot overtake your past
Take it slow or take it fast

Get there first or next or last, it don't matter
Baby you can walk or run
All avenues lead to one

Relevant Tags:
HHurry TTomorrow urry omorrow uHrry oTmorrow jurry fomorrow jHurry fTomorrow Hjurry Tfomorrow uurry 5omorrow uHurry 5Tomorrow
Huurry T5omorrow nurry homorrow nHurry hTomorrow Hnurry Thomorrow burry yomorrow bHurry yTomorrow Hburry Tyomorrow gurry 6omorrow
gHurry 6Tomorrow Hgurry T6omorrow yurry gomorrow yHurry gTomorrow Hyurry Tgomorrow romorrow Hrry rTomorrow Hrury Tromorrow
Hhrry Toomorrow Hhurry Tmorrow Huhrry Tmoorrow H7rry Tkmorrow H7urry Tkomorrow Hu7rry Tokmorrow Hkrry T9morrow Hkurry T9omorrow
Hukrry To9morrow Hirry T0morrow Hiurry T0omorrow Huirry To0morrow H8rry Tlmorrow H8urry Tlomorrow Hu8rry Tolmorrow Hjrry Timorrow
Tiomorrow Hujrry Toimorrow Hyrry Tommorrow Toorrow Huyrry Toomrrow Hurrry Tojorrow Hury Tojmorrow Hurry Tomjorrow
Hudry Tokorrow Hudrry Hurdry Tomkorrow Hu4ry Tonorrow Hu4rry Tonmorrow Hur4ry Tomnorrow Hugry Tomoorrow Hugrry Tomrrow
Hurgry Tomrorow Hutry Tomkrrow Hutrry Hurtry Tomokrrow Hu5ry Tom9rrow Hu5rry Tom9orrow Hur5ry Tomo9rrow Hufry Tom0rrow
Hufrry Tom0orrow Hurfry Tomo0rrow Huery Tomlrrow Huerry Tomlorrow Hurery Tomolrrow Tomirrow Tomiorrow Huryr Tomoirrow
Hurdy Tomorrrow Tomorow Hurrdy Tomorrow

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