Lloyd Cole & The Commotions
Mister Malcontent

Johnny stumbles, Johnny falls under slogans off the wall
He sees where's the sense, he says "call me Mister Malcontent"
A waste of space and alcohol, drinking rain and eating soil
And slogans off the wall cannot express him at all

Cut off my nose despite my face and I will not more longer wait
Or should I laugh or should I cry ? Or should I part my hair behind ?
Or should I laugh or should I cry as I become all I despise ?

Mirror lyrics:

Or should I laugh or should I cry as I become all I despise ?
Or should I laugh or should I cry ? Or should I part my hair behind ?
Cut off my nose despite my face and I will not more longer wait

And slogans off the wall cannot express him at all
A waste of space and alcohol, drinking rain and eating soil
He sees where's the sense, he says "call me Mister Malcontent"
Johnny stumbles, Johnny falls under slogans off the wall

Relevant Tags:
MMister MMalcontent ister alcontent iMster aMlcontent jister jalcontent jMister jMalcontent Mjister Mjalcontent
kister kalcontent kMister kMalcontent Mkister Mkalcontent nister nalcontent nMister nMalcontent Mnister Mnalcontent
Miister Maalcontent Mster Mlcontent Msiter Mlacontent Mjster Mzlcontent Mzalcontent Mijster Mazlcontent
M9ster Mqlcontent M9ister Mqalcontent Mi9ster Maqlcontent Mlster Mslcontent Mlister Msalcontent Milster Maslcontent
Moster Mwlcontent Moister Mwalcontent Mioster Mawlcontent Mkster Mxlcontent Mxalcontent Mikster Maxlcontent
M8ster Mallcontent M8ister Macontent Mi8ster Maclontent Muster Makcontent Muister Maklcontent Miuster Malkcontent
Misster Maocontent Miter Maolcontent Mitser Malocontent Mizter Mapcontent Mizster Maplcontent Miszter Malpcontent
Miwter Malccontent Miwster Malontent Miswter Malocntent Midter Malfontent Midster Malfcontent Misdter Malcfontent
Mieter Malxontent Miester Malxcontent Miseter Malcxontent Mixter Malvontent Mixster Malvcontent Misxter Malcvontent
Miater Maldontent Miaster Maldcontent Misater Malcdontent Mistter Malcoontent Miser Malcntent Misetr Malcnotent
Misfer Malckntent Misfter Malckontent Mistfer Malcokntent Mis5er Malc9ntent Mis5ter Malc9ontent Mist5er Malco9ntent
Misher Malc0ntent Mishter Malc0ontent Misther Malco0ntent Misyer Malclntent Misyter Malclontent Mistyer Malcolntent
Mis6er Malcintent Mis6ter Malciontent Mist6er Malcointent Misger Malconntent Misgter Malcotent Mistger Malcotnent
Misrer Malcomtent Misrter Malcomntent Mistrer Malconmtent Misteer Malcohtent Mistr Malcohntent Mistre Malconhtent
Mistsr Malcojtent Mistser Malcojntent Mistesr Malconjtent

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