Liz Phair
White Babies

My black market white baby dealer
Is hunting around overseas
My black market white baby dealer
Brings back clean, fresh white babies to me

He brings back
Oh my God, he brings back
He brings back clean, fresh, white expensive babies

My smile is dime a dozen
My lips are cherry red
My eyes are blue like the sky is blue
I got good shoulders under my head
I look like your mother
I look like your great-aunt
Sit me down in your family photo
And everyone tells me that I, I look just like you

My black market white baby dealer
Is hunting around overseas
My black market white baby dealer
Brings back clean, fresh white babies to me
Clean, fresh white babies to me
Clean, fresh white babies to me

Mirror lyrics:

Clean, fresh white babies to me
Clean, fresh white babies to me
Brings back clean, fresh white babies to me
My black market white baby dealer
Is hunting around overseas
My black market white baby dealer

And everyone tells me that I, I look just like you
Sit me down in your family photo
I look like your great-aunt
I look like your mother
I got good shoulders under my head
My eyes are blue like the sky is blue
My lips are cherry red
My smile is dime a dozen

He brings back clean, fresh, white expensive babies
Oh my God, he brings back
He brings back

Brings back clean, fresh white babies to me
My black market white baby dealer
Is hunting around overseas
My black market white baby dealer

Relevant Tags:
WWhite BBabies hite abies hWite aBbies ahite vabies aWhite vBabies Wahite Bvabies 3hite gabies 3White gBabies W3hite Bgabies
dhite nabies dWhite nBabies Wdhite Bnabies ehite habies eWhite hBabies Wehite Bhabies shite Baabies sWhite Bbies Wshite Bbaies
2hite Bzbies 2White Bzabies W2hite Bazbies qhite Bqbies qWhite Bqabies Wqhite Baqbies Whhite Bsbies Wite Bsabies Wihte Basbies
Wjite Bwbies Wjhite Bwabies Whjite Bawbies Wuite Bxbies Wuhite Bxabies Whuite Baxbies Wnite Babbies Wnhite Baies Whnite Baibes
Wbite Bavies Wbhite Bavbies Whbite Babvies Wgite Bagies Wghite Bagbies Whgite Babgies Wyite Banies Wyhite Banbies Whyite Babnies
Whiite Bahies Whte Bahbies Whtie Babhies Whjte Babiies Babes Whijte Babeis Wh9te Babjes Wh9ite Babjies Whi9te Babijes
Whlte Bab9es Whlite Bab9ies Whilte Babi9es

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