Liz Phair
Red Light Fever

Lying wide awake in the dark
Trying to figure out who you are
Always going nowhere
Afid of going somewhere
And somewhere's a place in your heart

Sometimes when I think about you
Why you're always running away
Sitting in your car
Changing who you are
Drowning the thoughts of your life in the music

Scared the lights will turn green
You'll have to be seen
You'll be like anybody else
Scared the lights will turn red
You're stuck in your head
You can't run it to even her
How you gonna get through the year

You can't
Playin' on the sides of the net
Too many people want too many things
And you only want to forget

Scared the lights will turn green
You'll have to be seen
You'll be like anybody else
Scared the lights will turn red
You're stuck in your head
Too scared to commit to even her
How you gonna make it through

You're always listenin'
You're always listenin'
You're always listenin'
To yourself

You're always thinkin'
You're always thinkin'
You knew what everybody else
Should do with their lives

I'm wide awake in the dark
Tryin' to figure out where you are
Always goin' nowhere
'Fraid of goin' somewhere
And somewhere's a place in your heart
Somewhere's a place in your heart

Scared the lights will turn green
You'll have to be seen
You'll be like anybody else
Scared the lights will turn red
You're stuck in your head
You can't run it to even her

Scared the lights will turn green
You'll have to be seen
You'll be like anybody else
Scared the lights will turn red
You're stuck in your head
Too scared to commit to even her
How you gonna get through the year

Mirror lyrics:

How you gonna get through the year
Too scared to commit to even her
You're stuck in your head
Scared the lights will turn red
You'll be like anybody else
You'll have to be seen
Scared the lights will turn green

You can't run it to even her
You're stuck in your head
Scared the lights will turn red
You'll be like anybody else
You'll have to be seen
Scared the lights will turn green

Somewhere's a place in your heart
And somewhere's a place in your heart
'Fraid of goin' somewhere
Always goin' nowhere
Tryin' to figure out where you are
I'm wide awake in the dark

Should do with their lives
You knew what everybody else
You're always thinkin'
You're always thinkin'

To yourself
You're always listenin'
You're always listenin'
You're always listenin'

How you gonna make it through
Too scared to commit to even her
You're stuck in your head
Scared the lights will turn red
You'll be like anybody else
You'll have to be seen
Scared the lights will turn green

And you only want to forget
Too many people want too many things
Playin' on the sides of the net
You can't

How you gonna get through the year
You can't run it to even her
You're stuck in your head
Scared the lights will turn red
You'll be like anybody else
You'll have to be seen
Scared the lights will turn green

Drowning the thoughts of your life in the music
Changing who you are
Sitting in your car
Why you're always running away
Sometimes when I think about you

And somewhere's a place in your heart
Afid of going somewhere
Always going nowhere
Trying to figure out who you are
Lying wide awake in the dark

Relevant Tags:
RRed LLight FFever ed ight ever eRd iLght eFver ded kight cever dRed kLight cFever Rded Lkight Fcever 4ed oight rever
4Red oLight rFever R4ed Loight Frever ged pight gever gRed pLight gFever Rged Lpight Fgever ted Liight tever tRed Lght tFever
Rted Lgiht Ftever 5ed Ljght vever 5Red Ljight vFever R5ed Lijght Fvever fed L9ght dever fRed L9ight dFever Rfed Li9ght Fdever
eed Llght Feever eRed Llight Fver Reed Lilght Fveer Loght Fsver Rd Fsever Rde Lioght Fesver Rsd Lkght F3ver
Rsed F3ever Resd Likght Fe3ver R3d L8ght Ffver R3ed L8ight Ffever Re3d Li8ght Fefver Rfd Lught Frver Luight
Refd Liught Ferver Rrd Ligght F4ver Rred Liht F4ever Rerd Lihgt Fe4ver R4d Lihht Fdver Lihght Re4d Lighht Fedver
Rdd Liyht Fwver Liyght Fwever Redd Ligyht Fewver Rwd Libht Fevver Rwed Libght Feer Rewd Ligbht Feevr Livht Feber
Re Livght Febver

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