Liz Phair
Good Love Never Dies (alternate Mix)

For the rest of my days I want you by my side
Tell me what can I say to keep you in my life
'Cause I can never relax
I've got to keep it exciting
Make it attractive
Keep it alive
Keep you coming back
I'm always so frightened you'll see through my act
When the fire is out and I've given up
You come running out, and you build it up

You tell me good love never dies
It only hurts when we burn our eyes
From staring too long at the sun
You gotta throw your hands up
And let the night come

Spoken: I like watching you out there. It's comforting.

Tell me what can I say to keep you in my life
All the words slip away when I look in your eyes
Because I can never relax
I've got to keep it exciting
Make it attractive
Keep it alive
Keep you coming back
I'm already fighting to keep what I have
When the fire is out and I've given up
You come running out, and you build it up

You tell me good love never dies
It only hurts when we burn our eyes
From staring too long at the sun
You gotta throw your hands up
And let the night come
Take your chances
And let the night come

Mirror lyrics:

And let the night come
Take your chances
And let the night come
You gotta throw your hands up
From staring too long at the sun
It only hurts when we burn our eyes
You tell me good love never dies

You come running out, and you build it up
When the fire is out and I've given up
I'm already fighting to keep what I have
Keep you coming back
Keep it alive
Make it attractive
I've got to keep it exciting
Because I can never relax
All the words slip away when I look in your eyes
Tell me what can I say to keep you in my life

Spoken: I like watching you out there. It's comforting.

And let the night come
You gotta throw your hands up
From staring too long at the sun
It only hurts when we burn our eyes
You tell me good love never dies

You come running out, and you build it up
When the fire is out and I've given up
I'm always so frightened you'll see through my act
Keep you coming back
Keep it alive
Make it attractive
I've got to keep it exciting
'Cause I can never relax
Tell me what can I say to keep you in my life
For the rest of my days I want you by my side

Relevant Tags:
GGood LLove NNever DDies ((alternate MMix) ood ove ever ies alternate ix) oGod oLve eNver iDes a(lternate iMx) hood kove mever xies (aalternate jix)
hGood kLove mNever xDies (lternate jMix) Ghood Lkove Nmever Dxies (laternate Mjix) yood oove hever eies (zlternate kix) yGood oLove hNever eDies (zalternate kMix)
Gyood Loove Nhever Deies (azlternate Mkix) bood pove jever fies (qlternate nix) bGood pLove jNever fDies (qalternate nMix) Gbood Lpove Njever Dfies (aqlternate Mnix)
vood bever ries (slternate Miix) vGood Lve bNever rDies (salternate Mx) Gvood Lvoe Nbever Dries (aslternate Mxi) food Lkve Neever cies (wlternate Mjx)
fGood Nver cDies (walternate Gfood Lokve Nveer Dcies (awlternate Mijx) tood L9ve Nsver sies (xlternate M9x) tGood L9ove Nsever sDies (xalternate M9ix)
Gtood Lo9ve Nesver Dsies (axlternate Mi9x) Goood L0ve N3ver Diies (allternate Mlx) God L0ove N3ever Des (aternate Mlix) Good Lo0ve Ne3ver Deis (atlernate Milx)
Gkod Llve Nfver Djes (akternate Mox) Gkood Llove Nfever Djies (aklternate Moix) Gokod Lolve Nefver Dijes (alkternate Miox) G9od Live Nrver D9es (aoternate Mkx)
G9ood Liove Nrever D9ies (aolternate Go9od Loive Nerver Di9es (aloternate Mikx) G0od Lovve N4ver Dles (apternate M8x) G0ood Loe N4ever Dlies (aplternate M8ix)
Go0od Loev Ne4ver Diles (alpternate Mi8x) Glod Lobe Ndver Does (altternate Mux) Glood Lobve Ndever Doies (alernate Muix) Golod Lovbe Nedver Dioes (aletrnate Miux)
Giod Loce Nwver Dkes (alfernate Mixx) Giood Locve Nwever Dkies (alfternate Mi) Goiod Lovce Newver Dikes (altfernate Mi)x Loge Nevver D8es (al5ernate Mid)
Logve Neer D8ies (al5ternate Midx) Godo Lovge Neevr Di8es (alt5ernate Mixd) Gokd Lofe Neber Dues (alhernate Miz) Lofve Nebver Duies (alhternate Mizx)
Gookd Lovfe Nevber Diues (althernate Mixz) Go9d Lovee Necer Diees (alyernate Mic) Lov Necver Dis (alyternate Micx) Goo9d Love Nevcer Dise (altyernate Mixc)
Go0d Lovs Neger Diss (al6ernate Mis) Lovse Negver Dises (al6ternate Misx) Goo0d Loves Nevger Diess (alt6ernate Mixs) Gold Lov3 Nefer Di3s (algernate Mix))
Lov3e Di3es (algternate Mix Goold Love3 Nevfer Die3s (altgernate Mix) Goid Lovf Neveer Difs (alrernate Nevr Difes (alrternate
Gooid Lovef Nevre Diefs (altrernate Goodd Lovr Nevsr Dirs (alteernate Goo Lovre Nevser Dires (altrnate Lover Nevesr Diers (altrenate
Goox Lov4 Nev3r Di4s (altsrnate Gooxd Lov4e Nev3er Di4es (altsernate Goodx Love4 Neve3r Die4s (altesrnate Gooe Lovd Nevfr Dids (alt3rnate
Gooed Lovde Dides (alt3ernate Goode Loved Nevefr Dieds (alte3rnate Goof Lovw Nevrr Diws (altfrnate Goofd Lovwe Nevrer Diwes
Goodf Lovew Neverr Diews (altefrnate Goor Nev4r (altrrnate Goord Nev4er Die Goodr Neve4r Dies (alterrnate
Gooc Nevdr Diez (alt4rnate Goocd Nevder Diezs (alt4ernate Goodc Nevedr Diesz (alte4rnate Goos Nevwr Diew (altdrnate
Goosd Nevwer (altdernate Goods Nevewr Diesw (altedrnate Died (altwrnate Neve (altwernate
Never Diesd (altewrnate Neved Diee (altenate Neverd Diese (altenrate
Neve4 Diex (altednate Diexs Never4 Diesx (alterdnate Neveg Diea (alte4nate
Nevegr Dieas

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