Living Syndication
Any Worse

Are you numb,
have you cum..
from effortlessly
ripping me apart..

Hanging on,
but not for long
and all this as
you wait.. You wait.

I'm not afraid of you and I am
all done (could it get any worse)

"Would you be, strong for me?"
and if I did, would you stay?
Far away, far away..

You're in control,
It's getting old,
and I've run out of words to say..
I've run out of words to say...

I'm not afraid of you and I am
all done (could it get any worse)

Mirror lyrics:

all done (could it get any worse)
I'm not afraid of you and I am

I've run out of words to say...
and I've run out of words to say..
It's getting old,
You're in control,

Far away, far away..
and if I did, would you stay?
"Would you be, strong for me?"

all done (could it get any worse)
I'm not afraid of you and I am

you wait.. You wait.
and all this as
but not for long
Hanging on,

ripping me apart..
from effortlessly
have you cum..
Are you numb,

Relevant Tags:
AAny WWorse ny orse nAy oWrse zny aorse zAny aWorse Azny Waorse qny 3orse qAny 3Worse Aqny W3orse sny dorse sAny dWorse
Asny Wdorse wny eorse wAny eWorse Awny Weorse xny sorse xAny sWorse Axny Wsorse Anny 2orse Ay 2Worse Ayn W2orse Amy qorse
Amny qWorse Anmy Wqorse Ahy Woorse Ahny Wrse Anhy Wrose Ajy Wkrse Ajny Wkorse Anjy Wokrse Aby W9rse Abny W9orse Anby Wo9rse
Anyy W0rse An W0orse Any Wo0rse Ang Wlrse Angy Wlorse Anyg Wolrse Anh Wirse Wiorse Anyh Woirse An6 Worrse An6y Wose
Any6 Wosre Anu Wodse Anuy Wodrse Anyu Wordse An7 Wo4se An7y Wo4rse Any7 Wor4se Anj Wogse Wogrse

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