Lonnie Johnson
You Won't Let Me Go (1960)

I want you, and I need you, I did all I could to go
But darlin', if you love me, you won't let me go.

Your love is a true love, it never runs smooth, you know?
But if you love is a true love, darlin', you won't let me go.

And if you say that you don't love me,
I'm gonna walk out the door.
And I hope that you will stop me,
So I can hear you call me darlin', call me darlin' just once more.

I love you, yes, I love you, with all my heart and soul.
But darlin', if you love me, you won't let me go.

If you say that you don't love me,
I'm gonna walk out the door.
And I hope that you will stop me,
So I can hear you call me darlin', call me darlin' just once more.

I love you, yes, I love you, with all my heart and soul.
But darlin', if you love me, you won't let me go.
You won't let me go.

Mirror lyrics:

You won't let me go.
But darlin', if you love me, you won't let me go.
I love you, yes, I love you, with all my heart and soul.

So I can hear you call me darlin', call me darlin' just once more.
And I hope that you will stop me,
I'm gonna walk out the door.
If you say that you don't love me,

But darlin', if you love me, you won't let me go.
I love you, yes, I love you, with all my heart and soul.

So I can hear you call me darlin', call me darlin' just once more.
And I hope that you will stop me,
I'm gonna walk out the door.
And if you say that you don't love me,

But if you love is a true love, darlin', you won't let me go.
Your love is a true love, it never runs smooth, you know?

But darlin', if you love me, you won't let me go.
I want you, and I need you, I did all I could to go

Relevant Tags:
YYou WWon't LLet MMe GGo ((1960) ou on't et e o 1960) oYu oWn't eLt eM oG 1(960) gou aon't ket je ho (11960) gYou aWon't kLet jMe hGo (960)
Ygou Waon't Lket Mje Gho (9160) hou 3on't oet ke yo (2960) hYou 3Won't oLet kMe yGo (21960) Yhou W3on't Loet Mke Gyo (12960) 6ou don't pet ne bo (q960)
6You dWon't pLet nMe bGo (q1960) Y6ou Wdon't Lpet Mne Gbo (1q960) uou eon't Leet Mee vo (19960) uYou eWon't Lt M vGo (160) Yuou Weon't Lte Me Gvo (1690)
7ou son't Lst Ms fo (1060) 7You sWon't Lset Mse fGo (10960) Y7ou Wson't Lest Mes Gfo (19060) jou 2on't L3t M3 to (1i60) jYou 2Won't L3et M3e tGo (1i960)
Yjou W2on't Le3t Me3 Gto (19i60) tou qon't Lft Mf Goo (1o60) tYou qWon't Lfet Mfe G (1o960) Ytou Wqon't Left Mef Go (19o60) Yoou Woon't Lrt Mr Gk (1860)
Yu Wn't Lret Mre Gko (18960) Yuo Wno't Lert Mer Gok (19860) Yku Wkn't L4t M4 G9 (19660) Ykou Wkon't L4et M4e G9o (190) Yoku Wokn't Le4t Me4 Go9 (1906)
Y9u W9n't Ldt Md G0 (1970) Y9ou W9on't Ldet Mde G0o (19760) Yo9u Wo9n't Ledt Med Go0 (19670) Y0u W0n't Lwt Mw Gl (19t0) Y0ou W0on't Lwet Mwe Glo (19t60)
Yo0u Wo0n't Lewt Mew Gol (196t0) Ylu Wln't Lett Gi (19y0) Ylou Wlon't Le Gio (19y60) Yolu Woln't Let Goi (196y0) Yiu Win't Lef (1950)
Yiou Wion't (19560) Yoiu Woin't Letf (19650)

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