Lonnie Johnson
You Can't Give A Woman Everything She Needs ('29)

A woman ‘s got a good man, she wants everything she sees.
A woman ‘s got a good man, she wants everything she sees.
Soon as she think your money give out, then you and her can't agree.

She don't seem to care, anything but a rainy day.
She don't seem to care, anything but a rainy day.
Soon as she get all of your money, then she starts to stayin' away.

That's the very reason why I'm a single man today.
That's the very reason why I'm a single man today.
I ‘ad one of those same kind of women, but she watchin' the roots in a cold, cold place.

I worked to make her happy, I worked sick or well.
I worked to make her happy, I worked sick or well.
But all a man can get out of women now, is a whole lots of hell.

Man, don't try to give your woman everything she needs.
Man, don't try to give your woman everything she needs.
Because I'll be damned if you don't make the sweat off in your baby's ear.

Mirror lyrics:

Because I'll be damned if you don't make the sweat off in your baby's ear.
Man, don't try to give your woman everything she needs.
Man, don't try to give your woman everything she needs.

But all a man can get out of women now, is a whole lots of hell.
I worked to make her happy, I worked sick or well.
I worked to make her happy, I worked sick or well.

I ‘ad one of those same kind of women, but she watchin' the roots in a cold, cold place.
That's the very reason why I'm a single man today.
That's the very reason why I'm a single man today.

Soon as she get all of your money, then she starts to stayin' away.
She don't seem to care, anything but a rainy day.
She don't seem to care, anything but a rainy day.

Soon as she think your money give out, then you and her can't agree.
A woman ‘s got a good man, she wants everything she sees.
A woman ‘s got a good man, she wants everything she sees.

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YYou CCan't GGive AA WWoman EEverything SShe NNeeds (('29) ou an't ive oman verything he eeds '29) oYu aCn't iGve A oWman vEerything hSe eNeds '(29)
gou fan't hive z aoman sverything zhe meeds (''29) gYou fCan't hGive zA aWoman sEverything zShe mNeeds (29) Ygou Cfan't Ghive Az Waoman Esverything Szhe Nmeeds (2'9)
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6ou van't bive s doman fverything dhe jeeds ('39) 6You vCan't bGive sA dWoman fEverything dShe jNeeds ('329) Y6ou Cvan't Gbive As Wdoman Efverything Sdhe Njeeds ('239)
uou dan't vive w eoman rverything ehe beeds ('q9) uYou dCan't vGive wA eWoman rEverything eShe bNeeds ('q29) Yuou Cdan't Gvive Aw Weoman Erverything Sehe Nbeeds ('2q9)
7ou Caan't five x soman 4verything xhe Neeeds ('w9) 7You Cn't fGive xA sWoman 4Everything xShe Neds ('w29) Y7ou Cna't Gfive Ax Wsoman E4verything Sxhe Needs ('2w9)
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Yoou Csn't Gjve Wooman Evverything Sje Nfeds ('20) Yu Csan't Gjive Wman Eerything Sjhe Nfeeds ('209) Yuo Casn't Gijve Wmoan Eevrything Shje Nefeds ('290)
Yku Cwn't G9ve Wkman Eberything Sue Nreds ('2i) Ykou Cwan't G9ive Wkoman Ebverything Suhe Nreeds ('2i9) Yoku Cawn't Gi9ve Wokman Evberything Shue Nereds ('29i)
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Youu Caj't Guve Womman Evsrything Shee Nesds Yo Cajn't Guive Woan Evserything Sh You Canj't Giuve Woamn Evesrything She Neesds
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Yo7 Can''t Gibe Wokan Evfrything Sh3 Nefds Yo7u Cant Gibve Sh3e You7 Cant' Givbe Womkan Evefrything She3 Neefds
Yok Can'tt Gice Wonan Evrrything Shf Nerds Can' Gicve Wonman Evrerything Shfe Youk Can't Givce Womnan Everrything Shef Neerds
Yoi Can'f Gige Womaan Ev4rything Shr Ne4ds Can'ft Gigve Womn Ev4erything Shre Youi Can'tf Givge Womna Eve4rything Sher Nee4ds
Yo8 Can'5 Gife Womzn Evdrything Sh4 Nedds Yo8u Can'5t Gifve Womzan Evderything Sh4e You8 Can't5 Givfe Womazn Evedrything She4 Needds
Yoj Can'h Givee Womqn Evwrything Shd Newds Yoju Can'ht Giv Womqan Evwerything Shde Youj Can'th Give Womaqn Evewrything Shed Neewds
Yoy Can'y Givs Womsn Shw Yoyu Can'yt Givse Womsan Eveything Shwe Nees Youy Can'ty Gives Womasn Eveyrthing Shew Neesd
Can'6 Giv3 Womwn Evedything Neexs Can'6t Giv3e Womwan Neexds Can't6 Give3 Womawn Everdything Needxs
Can'g Givf Womxn Eve4ything Neees Can'gt Womxan Can'tg Givef Womaxn Ever4ything Needes
Can'r Givr Womann Evegything Neefs Can'rt Givre Woma Evegrything Can'tr Giver Woman Evergything Needfs
Giv4 Womam Evetything Neers Giv4e Womamn Evetrything Give4 Womanm Evertything Needrs
Givd Womah Eve5ything Neecs Givde Womahn Eve5rything Neecds Gived Womanh Ever5ything Needcs
Givw Womaj Evefything Neess Givwe Womajn Givew Womanj Everfything Needss
Womab Eveeything Womabn Need Womanb Evereything
Everyything Needz Everthing Needzs Evertyhing Needsz

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