Lonnie Johnson
What Makes You Act Like That (1930)

LJ: You the only one I've met, baby that's got something that I can't get.
What makes you act like that? Oh, what makes you act like that?
That ain't no way to treat me. What makes you act like that?

CS: Well now, this is my reason. [spoken words]
Every time that I see you, you got something else to do.
That makes me act like that. That's why I act like that.
That ain't no way to treat me. That's why I act like that.

LJ: Now listen to this mama! [spoken words]

LJ: That's what makes you act like that! [spoken words]

LJ: Now you know just what I'm wild about, mama, you got it but you just ain't puttin' out.
What makes you act like that? Oh, what makes you act like that?
That ain't no way to treat me. What makes you act like that?

CS: Could be I'm not givin' away anything. [spoken words]
I want some of that dough you got, but you say that you will not.
That's why I act like that. That's what make me act like that.
That ain't no way to treat me. That's why I act like that.

LJ: Now get a load of this! [spoken words]

CS: Ah, pull that string, boy. Mmmmm. Mm. [spoken words]

LJ: Now baby, you don't make the others pay, but still you turn me down each and every day.
Why do you act like that? Oh, what makes you act like that?
CS: ‘Cause that's what I want. [spoken words]
LJ: Baby, that ain't no way to treat me. What makes you act like that?

CS: ‘Cause, you don't like my way, why don't you stay away? [spoken words]
Why do you keep on hangin' ‘round, when you know that I turned you down?
What makes you act like that? Why do you keep on actin' like that?
LJ/CS: That ain't no way to treat me. What makes you act like that?

Mirror lyrics:

LJ/CS: That ain't no way to treat me. What makes you act like that?
What makes you act like that? Why do you keep on actin' like that?
Why do you keep on hangin' ‘round, when you know that I turned you down?
CS: ‘Cause, you don't like my way, why don't you stay away? [spoken words]

LJ: Baby, that ain't no way to treat me. What makes you act like that?
CS: ‘Cause that's what I want. [spoken words]
Why do you act like that? Oh, what makes you act like that?
LJ: Now baby, you don't make the others pay, but still you turn me down each and every day.

CS: Ah, pull that string, boy. Mmmmm. Mm. [spoken words]

LJ: Now get a load of this! [spoken words]

That ain't no way to treat me. That's why I act like that.
That's why I act like that. That's what make me act like that.
I want some of that dough you got, but you say that you will not.
CS: Could be I'm not givin' away anything. [spoken words]

That ain't no way to treat me. What makes you act like that?
What makes you act like that? Oh, what makes you act like that?
LJ: Now you know just what I'm wild about, mama, you got it but you just ain't puttin' out.

LJ: That's what makes you act like that! [spoken words]

LJ: Now listen to this mama! [spoken words]

That ain't no way to treat me. That's why I act like that.
That makes me act like that. That's why I act like that.
Every time that I see you, you got something else to do.
CS: Well now, this is my reason. [spoken words]

That ain't no way to treat me. What makes you act like that?
What makes you act like that? Oh, what makes you act like that?
LJ: You the only one I've met, baby that's got something that I can't get.

Relevant Tags:
WWhat MMakes YYou AAct LLike TThat ((1930) hat akes ou ct ike hat 1930) hWat aMkes oYu cAt iLke hTat 1(930) ahat jakes gou zct kike fhat (11930) aWhat jMakes gYou zAct kLike fThat (930)
Wahat Mjakes Ygou Azct Lkike Tfhat (9130) 3hat kakes hou qct oike 5hat (2930) 3What kMakes hYou qAct oLike 5That (21930) W3hat Mkakes Yhou Aqct Loike T5hat (12930) dhat nakes 6ou sct pike hhat (q930)
dWhat nMakes 6You sAct pLike hThat (q1930) Wdhat Mnakes Y6ou Asct Lpike Thhat (1q930) ehat Maakes uou wct Liike yhat (19930) eWhat Mkes uYou wAct Lke yThat (130) Wehat Mkaes Yuou Awct Lkie Tyhat (1390)
shat Mzkes 7ou xct Ljke 6hat (1030) sWhat Mzakes 7You xAct Ljike 6That (10930) Wshat Mazkes Y7ou Axct Lijke T6hat (19030) 2hat Mqkes jou Acct L9ke ghat (1i30) 2What Mqakes jYou At L9ike gThat (1i930)
W2hat Maqkes Yjou Atc Li9ke Tghat (19i30) qhat Mskes tou Aft Llke rhat (1o30) qWhat Msakes tYou Afct Llike rThat (1o930) Wqhat Maskes Ytou Acft Lilke Trhat (19o30) Whhat Mwkes Yoou Axt Loke (1830)
Wat Mwakes Yu Tat (18930) Waht Mawkes Yuo Acxt Lioke Taht (19830) Wjat Mxkes Yku Avt Lkke Tjat (19330) Wjhat Mxakes Ykou Avct Tjhat (190) Whjat Maxkes Yoku Acvt Likke Thjat (1903)
Wuat Makkes Y9u Adt L8ke Tuat (1940) Wuhat Maes Y9ou Adct L8ike Tuhat (19430) Whuat Maeks Yo9u Acdt Li8ke Thuat (19340) Wnat Males Y0u Actt Luke Tnat (19w0) Wnhat Malkes Y0ou Ac Luike Tnhat (19w30)
Whnat Makles Yo0u Act Liuke Thnat (193w0) Wbat Maoes Ylu Acf Tbat (19e0) Wbhat Maokes Ylou Lie Tbhat (19e30) Whbat Makoes Yolu Actf Liek Thbat (193e0) Wgat Mames Yiu Ac5 Lile Tgat (1920)
Wghat Mamkes Yiou Ac5t (19230) Whgat Makmes Yoiu Act5 Likle Thgat (19320) Wyat Majes Youu Ach Lioe Tyat (19300) Wyhat Majkes Yo Acht (193) Whyat Makjes You Acth Likoe Thyat (193)0

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