Lonnie Johnson
Tell Me Why (1946)

I wanna talk to you baby, please don't walk away.
I wanna talk to you baby, please don't walk away.
You have hurt me long enough, let's fish in this cloud today.

Every time I come home, why is it you always gone?
Every time I come home, why is it you always gone?
If it's what I think baby, the graveyard is where you belong.

I treat you just like a baby, give you all my love and my money too.
Treat you just like a baby, give you all my love then my money too.
It's not happiness you want, you only want something new.

It hard to have someone to love you, when you feelin' low and blue.
It hard to have someone to love you, when you feelin' low and blue.
It's better to be loved, than to have someone beat the devil out of you.

I love you darlin', with a love that will never die.
I love you darlin', with love that will never die.
But you gonna make me hate you, ‘cause I just can't stand a lie.

Mirror lyrics:

But you gonna make me hate you, ‘cause I just can't stand a lie.
I love you darlin', with love that will never die.
I love you darlin', with a love that will never die.

It's better to be loved, than to have someone beat the devil out of you.
It hard to have someone to love you, when you feelin' low and blue.
It hard to have someone to love you, when you feelin' low and blue.

It's not happiness you want, you only want something new.
Treat you just like a baby, give you all my love then my money too.
I treat you just like a baby, give you all my love and my money too.

If it's what I think baby, the graveyard is where you belong.
Every time I come home, why is it you always gone?
Every time I come home, why is it you always gone?

You have hurt me long enough, let's fish in this cloud today.
I wanna talk to you baby, please don't walk away.
I wanna talk to you baby, please don't walk away.

Relevant Tags:
TTell MMe WWhy ((1946) ell e hy 1946) eTll eM hWy 1(946) fell je ahy (11946) fTell jMe aWhy (946) Tfell Mje Wahy (9146)
5ell ke 3hy (2946) 5Tell kMe 3Why (21946) T5ell Mke W3hy (12946) hell ne dhy (q946) hTell nMe dWhy (q1946) Thell Mne Wdhy (1q946)
yell Mee ehy (19946) yTell M eWhy (146) Tyell Me Wehy (1496) 6ell Ms shy (1046) 6Tell Mse sWhy (10946) T6ell Mes Wshy (19046)
gell M3 2hy (1i46) gTell M3e 2Why (1i946) Tgell Me3 W2hy (19i46) rell Mf qhy (1o46) rTell Mfe qWhy (1o946) Trell Mef Wqhy (19o46)
Teell Mr Whhy (1846) Tll Mre Wy (18946) Tlel Mer Wyh (19846) Tsll M4 Wjy (19446) Tsell M4e Wjhy (196) Tesll Me4 Whjy (1964)
T3ll Md Wuy (1956) T3ell Mde Wuhy (19546)

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