Lonnie Johnson
Raining On The Cold, Cold Ground (1963)

My baby ‘s gone, and I don't know the reason why.
Yes, my baby ‘s gone, and I don't know the reason why.
All I know she's gone and I love her, I love her till the day I die.

Pouring down rain, on this cold, cold ground.
It's pouring down rain, on this cold, cold ground.
I'm all alone by myself, and my baby can't be found.

Tears in my eyes, begin streamin' down.
Tears in my eyes, begin streamin' down.
I have nobody to love me, my baby has left this town.

When it starts pourin' down rain, and my baby ‘s not around.
When it's pourin' down rain, and my baby ‘s not around.
That's the time I need her, my tears come rollin' down.

Mmm, when my baby ‘s comin' home?
Mmm mmm, wonder when my baby ‘s comin' home?
Yes I miss her and I need her, I'm so all alone.

Early this mornin', I heard a knock upon my door.
Early this mornin', I heard a knock upon my door.
There was a letter layin' down, layin' down close on the floor.

It read, Daddy, daddy, daddy, can I come back home.
It read, Daddy, daddy, can I come back home.
Please forgive me baby, I've been gone too long.

I say, “Come on home baby, this is where you ought to be.”
I said, “Come on home baby, this is where you ought to be.”
I seen my baby comin' down the street, and I'm in a pack of Christmas trees.

Yes, what a good feelin', to know your baby ‘s comin' home.
Yes, what a good feelin', to know your baby ‘s comin' home.
‘Cause the love she has, she ‘s been gone so long.

Mirror lyrics:

‘Cause the love she has, she ‘s been gone so long.
Yes, what a good feelin', to know your baby ‘s comin' home.
Yes, what a good feelin', to know your baby ‘s comin' home.

I seen my baby comin' down the street, and I'm in a pack of Christmas trees.
I said, “Come on home baby, this is where you ought to be.”
I say, “Come on home baby, this is where you ought to be.”

Please forgive me baby, I've been gone too long.
It read, Daddy, daddy, can I come back home.
It read, Daddy, daddy, daddy, can I come back home.

There was a letter layin' down, layin' down close on the floor.
Early this mornin', I heard a knock upon my door.
Early this mornin', I heard a knock upon my door.

Yes I miss her and I need her, I'm so all alone.
Mmm mmm, wonder when my baby ‘s comin' home?
Mmm, when my baby ‘s comin' home?

That's the time I need her, my tears come rollin' down.
When it's pourin' down rain, and my baby ‘s not around.
When it starts pourin' down rain, and my baby ‘s not around.

I have nobody to love me, my baby has left this town.
Tears in my eyes, begin streamin' down.
Tears in my eyes, begin streamin' down.

I'm all alone by myself, and my baby can't be found.
It's pouring down rain, on this cold, cold ground.
Pouring down rain, on this cold, cold ground.

All I know she's gone and I love her, I love her till the day I die.
Yes, my baby ‘s gone, and I don't know the reason why.
My baby ‘s gone, and I don't know the reason why.

Relevant Tags:
RRaining OOn TThe CCold, CCold GGround ((1963) aining n he old, old round 1963) aRining nO hTe oCld, oCld rGound 1(963)
daining kn fhe fold, fold hround (11963) dRaining kOn fThe fCold, fCold hGround (963) Rdaining Okn Tfhe Cfold, Cfold Ghround (9163)
4aining 9n 5he xold, xold yround (2963) 4Raining 9On 5The xCold, xCold yGround (21963) R4aining O9n T5he Cxold, Cxold Gyround (12963)
gaining 0n hhe vold, vold bround (q963) gRaining 0On hThe vCold, vCold bGround (q1963) Rgaining O0n Thhe Cvold, Cvold Gbround (1q963)
taining ln yhe dold, dold vround (19963) tRaining lOn yThe dCold, dCold vGround (163) Rtaining Oln Tyhe Cdold, Cdold Gvround (1693)
5aining in 6he Coold, Coold fround (1063) 5Raining iOn 6The Cld, Cld fGround (10963) R5aining Oin T6he Clod, Clod Gfround (19063)
faining Onn ghe Ckld, Ckld tround (1i63) fRaining O gThe Ckold, Ckold tGround (1i963) Rfaining On Tghe Cokld, Cokld Gtround (19i63)
eaining Om rhe C9ld, C9ld Grround (1o63) eRaining Omn rThe C9old, C9old Gound (1o963) Reaining Onm Trhe Co9ld, Co9ld Gorund (19o63)
Raaining Oh C0ld, C0ld Gdound (1863) Rining Ohn Te C0old, C0old Gdround (18963) Rianing Onh Teh Co0ld, Co0ld Grdound (19863)
Rzining Oj Tje Clld, Clld G4ound (19663) Rzaining Ojn Tjhe Clold, Clold G4round (193) Razining Onj Thje Colld, Colld Gr4ound (1936)
Rqining Ob Tue Cild, Cild Ggound (1973) Rqaining Obn Tuhe Ciold, Ciold Gground (19763) Raqining Onb Thue Coild, Coild Grgound (19673)
Rsining Tne Gtound (19t3) Rsaining Tnhe Cod, Cod (19t63) Rasining Thne Codl, Codl Grtound (196t3)
Rwining Tbe Cokd, Cokd G5ound (19y3) Rwaining Tbhe G5round (19y63) Rawining Thbe Colkd, Colkd Gr5ound (196y3)
Rxining Tge Cood, Cood Gfound (1953) Rxaining (19563) Raxining Thge Colod, Colod Grfound (19653)
Raiining Tye Copd, Copd Geound (19633) Raning Copld, Copld Geround (196) Raniing Thye Colpd, Colpd Greound (196)3
Rajning Thee Coldd, Coldd Groound (1964) Rajining Th Col, Col Grund (19643) Raijning The Col,d Cold Gruond (19634)
Ra9ning Ths Colx, Colx Grkund (196w) Ra9ining Thse Colxd, Colxd Grkound (196w3) Rai9ning Thes Coldx, Coldx Grokund (1963w)
Ralning Th3 Cole, Cole Gr9und (196e) Ralining Th3e Coled, Coled Gr9ound (196e3) Railning The3 Colde, Colde Gro9und (1963e)
Raoning Thf Colf, Colf Gr0und (1962) Raoining Thfe Colfd, Colfd Gr0ound (19623) Raioning Thef Coldf, Coldf Gro0und (19632)
Rakning Thr Colr, Colr Grlund (1963)) Rakining Thre Colrd, Colrd Grlound (1963 Raikning Ther Coldr, Coldr Grolund (1963)
Ra8ning Th4 Colc, Colc Griund Ra8ining Th4e Colcd, Colcd Griound Rai8ning The4 Coldc, Coldc Groiund
Rauning Thd Cols, Cols Grouund Rauining Thde Colsd, Colsd Grond Raiuning Thed Colds, Colds Gronud
Rainning Thw Cold,, Grohnd Raiing Thwe Cold Grohund

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