Lonnie Johnson
Losing Game (1960)

I've proved that I love you, in everything ‘at a good man could do.
I've proved that I love you, in everything ‘at a good man could do.
You just laughed in my face, is that all I mean to you?

Darlin', I know you don't love me, there's nothing I can do.
Yes, darlin', I know you don't love me, there's nothing I can do.
My love is just wasted, is that all I mean to you?

I taken a chance and fell in love with you, there's no one but myself to blame.
Yes, I took a chance and fell in love with you, there's no one but myself to blame.
I'm just another fool that fell in love with you, and playin' a losing game.

Mirror lyrics:

I'm just another fool that fell in love with you, and playin' a losing game.
Yes, I took a chance and fell in love with you, there's no one but myself to blame.
I taken a chance and fell in love with you, there's no one but myself to blame.

My love is just wasted, is that all I mean to you?
Yes, darlin', I know you don't love me, there's nothing I can do.
Darlin', I know you don't love me, there's nothing I can do.

You just laughed in my face, is that all I mean to you?
I've proved that I love you, in everything ‘at a good man could do.
I've proved that I love you, in everything ‘at a good man could do.

Relevant Tags:
LLosing GGame ((1960) osing ame 1960) oLsing aGme 1(960) kosing hame (11960) kLosing hGame (960) Lkosing Ghame (9160)
oosing yame (2960) oLosing yGame (21960) Loosing Gyame (12960) posing bame (q960) pLosing bGame (q1960) Lposing Gbame (1q960)
vame (19960) Lsing vGame (160) Lsoing Gvame (1690) Lksing fame (1060) fGame (10960) Loksing Gfame (19060)
L9sing tame (1i60) L9osing tGame (1i960) Lo9sing Gtame (19i60) L0sing Gaame (1o60) L0osing Gme (1o960) Lo0sing Gmae (19o60)
Llsing Gzme (1860) Llosing Gzame (18960) Lolsing Gazme (19860) Lising Gqme (19660) Liosing Gqame (190) Loising Gaqme (1906)
Lossing Gsme (1970) Loing Gsame (19760) Loisng Gasme (19670) Lozing Gwme (19t0) Lozsing Gwame (19t60) Loszing Gawme (196t0)
Lowing Gxme (19y0) Lowsing Gxame (19y60) Loswing Gaxme (196y0) Loding Gamme (1950) Lodsing Gae (19560) Losding Gaem (19650)
Loeing Gaje (19600) Loesing Gajme (196) Loseing Gamje (196)0 Loxing Gake (196p) Loxsing Gakme (196p0) Losxing Gamke (1960p)
Loaing Gane (1969) Loasing Ganme (19690) Losaing Gamne (19609) Losiing Gamee (196o) Losng Gam (196o0)

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