Lindy Lafontaine
I Might Not Love You

The truth is I never meant to leave but I felt that I had to.
Cause the blowing of the leaves from your house that
I heard from your bedroom,
in the middle of the night said "I might not love you".
So I left you in the house and I kept on going.

Seal me in a town to wander around streets we drive on the greyhound.
Every town's the same, every town's the same.

Bad dream, nice day
Wish you could see things my way.
Nice dream, I won't stay
Cause I'm going all the way to Africa.

So what, so I'm leaving on a plane and I left on a Tuesday.
And I'm sitting by a man looking down through the clouds at the ocean.
He was telling me about how his wife had left him.
He was on his way to Spain but I kept on going.

Seal me in a town to wander around.
The skies we fly will touch the ground...till the next plane.
Cause every town's the same.

Bad dream, nice day
Wish you could see things my way
Nice dream, I won't stay
Cause I'm going all the way to Africa.

Seal me in a town to wander around the streets we drive on the greyhound.
Every town's the same, every town's the same
Seal me in a town to wander around.
The skies we fly will touch the ground...till the next plane.
Cause every town's the same.

Bad dream, nice day
Wish you could see things my way
Nice dream, I won't stay
Cause I'm going all the way to Africa.

Mirror lyrics:

Cause I'm going all the way to Africa.
Nice dream, I won't stay
Wish you could see things my way
Bad dream, nice day

Cause every town's the same.
The skies we fly will touch the ground...till the next plane.
Seal me in a town to wander around.
Every town's the same, every town's the same
Seal me in a town to wander around the streets we drive on the greyhound.

Cause I'm going all the way to Africa.
Nice dream, I won't stay
Wish you could see things my way
Bad dream, nice day

Cause every town's the same.
The skies we fly will touch the ground...till the next plane.
Seal me in a town to wander around.

He was on his way to Spain but I kept on going.
He was telling me about how his wife had left him.
And I'm sitting by a man looking down through the clouds at the ocean.
So what, so I'm leaving on a plane and I left on a Tuesday.

Cause I'm going all the way to Africa.
Nice dream, I won't stay
Wish you could see things my way.
Bad dream, nice day

Every town's the same, every town's the same.
Seal me in a town to wander around streets we drive on the greyhound.

So I left you in the house and I kept on going.
in the middle of the night said "I might not love you".
I heard from your bedroom,
Cause the blowing of the leaves from your house that
The truth is I never meant to leave but I felt that I had to.

Relevant Tags:
II MMight NNot LLove YYou ight ot ove ou I iMght oNt oLve oYu j jight mot kove gou jI jMight mNot kLove gYou Ij Mjight Nmot Lkove Ygou
9 kight hot oove hou 9I kMight hNot oLove hYou I9 Mkight Nhot Loove Yhou l night jot pove 6ou lI nMight jNot pLove 6You Il Mnight Njot Lpove Y6ou
o Miight bot uou oI Mght bNot Lve uYou Io Mgiht Nbot Lvoe Yuou k Mjght Noot Lkve 7ou kI Nt 7You Ik Mijght Nto Lokve Y7ou
8 M9ght Nkt L9ve jou 8I M9ight Nkot L9ove jYou I8 Mi9ght Nokt Lo9ve Yjou u Mlght N9t L0ve tou uI Mlight N9ot L0ove tYou Iu Milght No9t Lo0ve Ytou
Moght N0t Llve Yoou Moight N0ot Llove Yu Mioght No0t Lolve Yuo Mkght Nlt Live Yku Nlot Liove Ykou Mikght Nolt Loive Yoku
M8ght Nit Lovve Y9u M8ight Niot Loe Y9ou Mi8ght Noit Loev Yo9u Mught Nott Lobe Y0u Muight No Lobve Y0ou Miught Not Lovbe Yo0u
Migght Nof Loce Ylu Miht Noft Locve Ylou Mihgt Notf Lovce Yolu Mihht No5 Loge Yiu Mihght No5t Logve Yiou Mighht Not5 Lovge Yoiu
Miyht Noh Lofe Youu Miyght Noht Lofve Yo Migyht Noth Lovfe You Mibht Noy Lovee Yoh Mibght Noyt Lov Yohu

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