Lisa Dames
Just Another Day

It wasn't in her five year plan

To have a baby with a man

That couldn't be there-the day she had her

The sun was shining through the curtain

Hope was here when all the hurting

And the baby cried

And the leaves turned

No one called from the Whitehouse to say

The president's making this a holiday

And people still riding in the subway-all alone-oh,

yeah It didn't stop anybody's big league game

Or sinners from falling on their knees to pray

The traffic is still moving real slow all over L.A.

Yes for the rest of the world-oh, yeah It was just another day

It was just another day, oh yeah

The other car was going 84 miles an hour just before

The rain stopped on the black top

The driver in the ambulance said no one really had a chance

But the small one in the back seat

And no one called from the Whitehouse to say

The president's making this a holiday

And people still riding on the subway-all alone-oh, yeah

It didn't stop anybody's big league game

Or sinners falling on their knees to pray

The traffic is still moving real slow all over L.A.

Yes for the rest of the world-oh,

yeah It was just another day It was just another day, oh yeah

This morning I came across-a photograph I thought I'd lost

And for the first time-I didn't want to cry

Staring in my parents eyes It hit me all at once that I'll be OK

Cause it's a new day

No one called from the Whitehouse to say

The president's making this a holiday

And people still riding on the subway-all alone-oh,

yeah It didn't stop anybody's big league game

Or sinners falling on their knees to pray

And traffic is still moving real slow all over L.A.

For the rest of the world Yeah,

I said And for the rest of the world-mmm,

mmm It was just another day,

oh yeah It was just another day


Mirror lyrics:


oh yeah It was just another day

mmm It was just another day,

I said And for the rest of the world-mmm,

For the rest of the world Yeah,

And traffic is still moving real slow all over L.A.

Or sinners falling on their knees to pray

yeah It didn't stop anybody's big league game

And people still riding on the subway-all alone-oh,

The president's making this a holiday

No one called from the Whitehouse to say

Cause it's a new day

Staring in my parents eyes It hit me all at once that I'll be OK

And for the first time-I didn't want to cry

This morning I came across-a photograph I thought I'd lost

yeah It was just another day It was just another day, oh yeah

Yes for the rest of the world-oh,

The traffic is still moving real slow all over L.A.

Or sinners falling on their knees to pray

It didn't stop anybody's big league game

And people still riding on the subway-all alone-oh, yeah

The president's making this a holiday

And no one called from the Whitehouse to say

But the small one in the back seat

The driver in the ambulance said no one really had a chance

The rain stopped on the black top

The other car was going 84 miles an hour just before

It was just another day, oh yeah

Yes for the rest of the world-oh, yeah It was just another day

The traffic is still moving real slow all over L.A.

Or sinners from falling on their knees to pray

yeah It didn't stop anybody's big league game

And people still riding in the subway-all alone-oh,

The president's making this a holiday

No one called from the Whitehouse to say

And the leaves turned

And the baby cried

Hope was here when all the hurting

The sun was shining through the curtain

That couldn't be there-the day she had her

To have a baby with a man

It wasn't in her five year plan

Relevant Tags:
JJust AAnother DDay ust nother ay uJst nAother aDy kust znother xay kJust zAnother xDay Jkust Aznother Dxay iust qnother eay
iJust qAnother eDay Jiust Aqnother Deay must snother fay mJust sAnother fDay Jmust Asnother Dfay nust wnother ray nJust wAnother rDay
Jnust Awnother Dray hust xnother cay hJust xAnother cDay Jhust Axnother Dcay uust Annother say uJust Aother sDay Juust Aonther Dsay
Amother Daay Jst Amnother Dy Jsut Anmother Dya Jhst Ahother Dzy Ahnother Dzay Juhst Anhother Dazy J7st Ajother Dqy
J7ust Ajnother Dqay Ju7st Anjother Daqy Jkst Abother Dsy Abnother Jukst Anbother Dasy Jist Anoother Dwy Anther Dway
Juist Antoher Dawy J8st Ankther Dxy J8ust Ankother Ju8st Anokther Daxy Jjst An9ther Dayy Jjust An9other Da Jujst Ano9ther Day
Jyst An0ther Dag Jyust An0other Dagy Juyst Ano0ther Dayg Jusst Anlther Dah Jut Anlother Dahy Juts Anolther Dayh Juzt Anither Da6
Juzst Aniother Da6y Juszt Anoither Day6 Juwt Anotther Dau Juwst Anoher Dauy Juswt Anohter Dayu Judt Anofher Da7 Judst Anofther Da7y
Jusdt Anotfher Day7 Juet Ano5her Daj Juest Ano5ther Dajy Juset Anot5her Dayj Juxt Anohher Dat Juxst Anohther Daty Jusxt Anothher Dayt
Juat Anoyher Juast Anoyther Jusat Anotyher Justt Ano6her Jus Ano6ther

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