Lisa Brokop
Give Me A Ring Sometime

I caught you glancing in a pawn shop window,
You caught me looking there too.
Just a little quarter-carat diamond,
But it was sparkling true.
I could see you were a little uneasy,
You said: "We're running late."
And later on, parked over in my driveway,
Said: "Boy, you're gonna have to wait.

"If you really wanna be my baby,
"I really want you to be mine, all mine.
"If you wanna talk about forever,
"That's what's on my mind.
"Give me a ring sometime."

I always love the little things you give me,
Gentle roses and sweet perfume.
I was thrilled the first time you kissed me.
But just a little too soon.
Where I come from, love stands for something.
And it's worth the wait.
Baby, I'm a little old-fashioned,
But maybe that's okay.

If you really wanna be my baby,
I really want you to be mine, all mine.
If you wanna talk about forever,
That's what's on my mind.
Give me a ring sometime.

Don't keep my heart on the line.

If you really wanna be my baby,
I really want you to be mine, all mine.
If you wanna talk about forever,
That's what's on my mind.
Give me a ring sometime.
Give me a ring sometime.
Give me a ring sometime.

Mirror lyrics:

Give me a ring sometime.
Give me a ring sometime.
Give me a ring sometime.
That's what's on my mind.
If you wanna talk about forever,
I really want you to be mine, all mine.
If you really wanna be my baby,

Don't keep my heart on the line.

Give me a ring sometime.
That's what's on my mind.
If you wanna talk about forever,
I really want you to be mine, all mine.
If you really wanna be my baby,

But maybe that's okay.
Baby, I'm a little old-fashioned,
And it's worth the wait.
Where I come from, love stands for something.
But just a little too soon.
I was thrilled the first time you kissed me.
Gentle roses and sweet perfume.
I always love the little things you give me,

"Give me a ring sometime."
"That's what's on my mind.
"If you wanna talk about forever,
"I really want you to be mine, all mine.
"If you really wanna be my baby,

Said: "Boy, you're gonna have to wait.
And later on, parked over in my driveway,
You said: "We're running late."
I could see you were a little uneasy,
But it was sparkling true.
Just a little quarter-carat diamond,
You caught me looking there too.
I caught you glancing in a pawn shop window,

Relevant Tags:
GGive MMe AA RRing SSometime ive e ing ometime iGve eM A iRng oSmetime hive je z ding zometime hGive jMe zA dRing zSometime Ghive Mje Az Rding Szometime
yive ke q 4ing wometime yGive kMe qA 4Ring wSometime Gyive Mke Aq R4ing Swometime bive ne s ging dometime bGive nMe sA gRing dSometime Gbive Mne As Rging Sdometime
vive Mee w ting eometime vGive M wA tRing eSometime Gvive Me Aw Rting Seometime five Ms x 5ing xometime fGive Mse xA 5Ring xSometime Gfive Mes Ax R5ing Sxometime
tive M3 fing aometime tGive M3e fRing aSometime Gtive Me3 Rfing Saometime Giive Mf eing Soometime Gve Mfe eRing Smetime Gvie Mef Reing Smoetime
Gjve Mr Riing Skmetime Gjive Mre Rng Skometime Gijve Mer Rnig Sokmetime G9ve M4 Rjng S9metime G9ive M4e Rjing S9ometime Gi9ve Me4 Rijng So9metime
Glve Md R9ng S0metime Glive Mde R9ing S0ometime Gilve Med Ri9ng So0metime Gove Mw Rlng Slmetime Goive Mwe Rling Slometime Giove Mew Rilng Solmetime
Gkve Rong Simetime Gkive Roing Siometime Gikve Riong Soimetime G8ve Rkng Sommetime G8ive Rking Soetime Gi8ve Rikng Soemtime
Guve R8ng Sojetime Guive R8ing Sojmetime Giuve Ri8ng Somjetime Givve Rung Soketime Gie Ruing Giev Riung Somketime
Gibe Rinng Sonetime Gibve Rig Sonmetime Givbe Rign Somnetime Gice Rimg Someetime Gicve Rimng Somtime Givce Rinmg Somteime
Gige Rihg Somstime Gigve Rihng Somsetime Givge Rinhg Somestime Gife Rijg Som3time Gifve Som3etime Givfe Rinjg Some3time
Givee Ribg Somftime Giv Ribng Somfetime Give Rinbg Someftime Givs Ringg Somrtime Givse Rin Somretime Gives Ring Somertime
Giv3 Rinh Som4time Giv3e Som4etime Give3 Ringh Some4time Givf Riny Somdtime Rinyg Somdetime Givef Ringy Somedtime
Givr Rinb Somwtime Givre Somwetime Giver Ringb Somewtime Giv4 Rinv Somettime Giv4e Rinvg Someime

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