Linton Kwesi Johnson
Wat About Di Working Claas

From Inglan to Poland

every step across di ocean

the ruling class is dem in a mess, oh yes

di capitalist system are regress

but di soviet nah progress

so wich one of dem yuh think is best

when di two of dem work as a contest

when crisis is di order of di day

when so much people is cryin' out to change nowadays

Mirror lyrics:

when so much people is cryin' out to change nowadays

when crisis is di order of di day

when di two of dem work as a contest

so wich one of dem yuh think is best

but di soviet nah progress

di capitalist system are regress

the ruling class is dem in a mess, oh yes

every step across di ocean

From Inglan to Poland

Relevant Tags:
WWat AAbout DDi WWorking CClaas at bout i orking laas aWt bAout iD oWrking lCaas aat zbout xi aorking flaas aWat zAbout xDi aWorking fClaas
Waat Azbout Dxi Waorking Cflaas 3at qbout ei 3orking xlaas 3Wat qAbout eDi 3Working xClaas W3at Aqbout Dei W3orking Cxlaas dat sbout fi dorking vlaas
dWat sAbout fDi dWorking vClaas Wdat Asbout Dfi Wdorking Cvlaas eat wbout ri eorking dlaas eWat wAbout rDi eWorking dClaas Weat Awbout Dri Weorking Cdlaas
sat xbout ci sorking Cllaas sWat xAbout cDi sWorking Caas Wsat Axbout Dci Wsorking Calas 2at Abbout si 2orking Ckaas 2Wat Aout sDi 2Working Cklaas
W2at Aobut Dsi W2orking Clkaas qat Avout Dii qorking Coaas qWat Avbout D qWorking Colaas Wqat Abvout Di Wqorking Cloaas Agout Dj Woorking Cpaas
Wt Agbout Dji Wrking Cplaas Wta Abgout Dij Wroking Clpaas Wzt Anout D9 Wkrking Claaas Wzat Anbout D9i Wkorking Clas Wazt Abnout Di9 Wokrking Claas
Wqt Ahout Dl W9rking Clzas Ahbout Dli W9orking Clzaas Waqt Abhout Dil Wo9rking Clazas Wst Aboout Do W0rking Clqas Abut Doi W0orking Clqaas
Wast Abuot Dio Wo0rking Claqas Wwt Abkut Dk Wlrking Clsas Wwat Abkout Dki Wlorking Clsaas Wawt Abokut Dik Wolrking Clasas Wxt Ab9ut D8 Wirking Clwas
Wxat Ab9out D8i Wiorking Clwaas Waxt Abo9ut Di8 Woirking Clawas Watt Ab0ut Du Worrking Clxas Wa Ab0out Dui Woking Clxaas Wat Abo0ut Diu Wokring Claxas
Waf Ablut Wodking Waft Ablout Wodrking Watf Abolut Wordking Clasa Wa5 Abiut Wo4king Clazs Wa5t Abiout Wo4rking
Wat5 Aboiut Wor4king Claazs Wah Abouut Wogking Claqs Waht Abot Wogrking Wath Abotu Worgking Claaqs Way Aboht Wotking Class
Wayt Abohut Wotrking Waty Abouht Wortking Claass Wa6 Abo7t Wo5king Claws Wa6t Abo7ut Wo5rking Wat6 Abou7t Wor5king Claaws
Wag Abokt Wofking Claxs Wagt Wofrking Watg Aboukt Worfking Claaxs War Aboit Woeking Wart Woerking Claa
Watr Abouit Woreking Abo8t Workking Claaz Abo8ut Woring

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