For Your Eyes Only

Turn the tv off
Let's unplug the phone
Pretend that there is no, one home
Turn the lights down low
I'll draw the blinds
I think it's time to stop the show
Baby relax, lay back on the bed
You don't have to move, I'll do the rest

This is for your eyes only
This is for your eyes only, yeah
I'm takin' off my clothes
Baby I'm in control
This is for your eyes alone

Take it nice and slow
Hold back the flow
I want you to last all night
You have to go on, you got to be strong
Boy I wanna do you right
Look but don't touch
I want you to plead
Don't close your eyes, I want you to see

This is for your eyes only
This is for your eyes only, yeah
There's a mirror on the wall
Baby let's do it all
This is for your eyes alone

Oh it feels so good
Just like I knew, it would
Keep it going on strong
And we'll go on and on and on

Oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah

Baby relax, lay back on the bed
You don't have to move I'll do the rest

This is for your eyes only
This is for your eyes only, yeah
I'm takin' off my clothes
Baby I'm in control
This is for your eyes alone

For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only

Mirror lyrics:

For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
For your eyes only

This is for your eyes alone
Baby I'm in control
I'm takin' off my clothes
This is for your eyes only, yeah
This is for your eyes only

You don't have to move I'll do the rest
Baby relax, lay back on the bed

Oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah

And we'll go on and on and on
Keep it going on strong
Just like I knew, it would
Oh it feels so good

This is for your eyes alone
Baby let's do it all
There's a mirror on the wall
This is for your eyes only, yeah
This is for your eyes only

Don't close your eyes, I want you to see
I want you to plead
Look but don't touch
Boy I wanna do you right
You have to go on, you got to be strong
I want you to last all night
Hold back the flow
Take it nice and slow

This is for your eyes alone
Baby I'm in control
I'm takin' off my clothes
This is for your eyes only, yeah
This is for your eyes only

You don't have to move, I'll do the rest
Baby relax, lay back on the bed
I think it's time to stop the show
I'll draw the blinds
Turn the lights down low
Pretend that there is no, one home
Let's unplug the phone
Turn the tv off

Relevant Tags:
FFor YYour EEyes OOnly or our yes nly oFr oYur yEes nOly cor gour syes knly cFor gYour sEyes kOnly Fcor Ygour Esyes Oknly
ror hour 3yes 9nly rFor hYour 3Eyes 9Only Fror Yhour E3yes O9nly gor 6our fyes 0nly gFor 6Your fEyes 0Only Fgor Y6our Efyes O0nly
tor uour ryes lnly tFor uYour rEyes lOnly Ftor Yuour Eryes Olnly vor 7our 4yes inly vFor 7Your 4Eyes iOnly Fvor Y7our E4yes Oinly
dor jour dyes Onnly dFor jYour dEyes Oly Fdor Yjour Edyes Olny Foor tour wyes Omly Fr tYour wEyes Omnly Fro Ytour Ewyes Onmly
Fkr Yoour Eyyes Ohly Fkor Yur Ees Ohnly Fokr Yuor Eeys Onhly F9r Ykur Eges Ojly F9or Ykour Egyes Ojnly Fo9r Yokur Eyges Onjly
F0r Y9ur Ehes Obly F0or Y9our Ehyes Obnly Fo0r Yo9ur Eyhes Onbly Flr Y0ur E6es Onlly Flor Y0our E6yes Ony Folr Yo0ur Ey6es Onyl
Fir Ylur Eues Onky Fior Ylour Euyes Onkly Foir Yolur Eyues Onlky Forr Yiur E7es Onoy Fo Yiour E7yes Onoly For Yoiur Ey7es Onloy
Fod Youur Ejes Onpy Fodr Yor Ejyes Onply Ford Yoru Eyjes Onlpy

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