Louis Armstrong
Mack The Knife (other Version)

Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear
And it shows them pearly white
Just a jackknife has MacHeath, dear
And he keeps it, out of sight
when that shark bites with his teeth, dear
Scarlet billows start to spread
Fancy gloves, though, has MacHeath, dear
So there's never, not a trace of red

on the sidewalk, whoo sunny morning,
Lies a body oozin' life,
someones sneakin' ‘round the corner
is that someone Mack the Knife?

There's a tugboat, down by the river baby
Where a cement bag's 'drooppin' on down
Oh, that cement is for the weight, dear
Bet you that he's back in town
Yeah Louie Miller disappeared here,
After drawin' out all his cash
And MacHeath spends like a sailor
did our boy's done somethin' rash?

Sukey Tawdry, Jenny Diver, ,
Lotte Lenya and old Lucy Brown
Oh, the line forms on the right, dear
Now that Macky's back in town

Mirror lyrics:

Now that Macky's back in town
Oh, the line forms on the right, dear
Lotte Lenya and old Lucy Brown
Sukey Tawdry, Jenny Diver, ,

did our boy's done somethin' rash?
And MacHeath spends like a sailor
After drawin' out all his cash
Yeah Louie Miller disappeared here,
Bet you that he's back in town
Oh, that cement is for the weight, dear
Where a cement bag's 'drooppin' on down
There's a tugboat, down by the river baby

is that someone Mack the Knife?
someones sneakin' ‘round the corner
Lies a body oozin' life,
on the sidewalk, whoo sunny morning,

So there's never, not a trace of red
Fancy gloves, though, has MacHeath, dear
Scarlet billows start to spread
when that shark bites with his teeth, dear
And he keeps it, out of sight
Just a jackknife has MacHeath, dear
And it shows them pearly white
Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear

Relevant Tags:
MMack TThe KKnife ((other VVersion) ack he nife other ersion) aMck hTe nKife o(ther eVrsion) jack fhe lnife (oother bersion) jMack fThe lKnife (ther bVersion)
Mjack Tfhe Klnife (toher Vbersion) kack 5he onife (kther cersion) kMack 5The oKnife (kother cVersion) Mkack T5he Konife (okther Vcersion) nack hhe mnife (9ther gersion)
nMack hThe mKnife (9other gVersion) Mnack Thhe Kmnife (o9ther Vgersion) Maack yhe jnife (0ther fersion) Mck yThe jKnife (0other fVersion) Mcak Tyhe Kjnife (o0ther Vfersion)
Mzck 6he inife (lther Veersion) Mzack 6The iKnife (lother Vrsion) Mazck T6he Kinife (olther Vresion) Mqck ghe Knnife (ither Vsrsion) Mqack gThe Kife (iother Vsersion)
Maqck Tghe Kinfe (oither Vesrsion) Msck rhe Kmife (otther V3rsion) Msack rThe (oher V3ersion) Masck Trhe Knmife (ohter Ve3rsion) Mwck Khife (ofher Vfrsion)
Mwack Te Khnife (ofther Mawck Teh Knhife (otfher Vefrsion) Mxck Tje Kjife (o5her Vrrsion) Mxack Tjhe (o5ther Vrersion) Maxck Thje Knjife (ot5her Verrsion)
Macck Tue Kbife (ohher V4rsion) Mak Tuhe Kbnife (ohther V4ersion) Makc Thue Knbife (othher Ve4rsion) Mafk Tne Kniife (oyher Vdrsion) Mafck Tnhe Knfe (oyther Vdersion)
Macfk Thne Knfie (otyher Vedrsion) Maxk Tbe Knjfe (o6her Vwrsion) Tbhe (o6ther Vwersion) Macxk Thbe Knijfe (ot6her Vewrsion) Mavk Tge Kn9fe (ogher
Mavck Kn9ife (ogther Vesion) Macvk Thge Kni9fe (otgher Vesrion) Madk Tye Knlfe (orher Vedsion) Madck Knlife (orther Macdk Thye Knilfe (otrher Verdsion)
Mackk Thee Knofe Ve4sion) Mac Th Knoife (oter Mack The Kniofe (otehr Ver4sion) Macl Ths Knkfe (otjer Vegsion) Maclk Thse Knkife (otjher Vegrsion)
Mackl Thes Knikfe (othjer Vergsion) Maco Th3 Kn8fe (otuer Vetsion) Macok Th3e Kn8ife (otuher Vetrsion) Macko The3 Kni8fe (othuer Vertsion) Macm Thf Knufe (otner Ve5sion)
Macmk Thfe Knuife (otnher Ve5rsion) Mackm Thef Kniufe (othner Ver5sion) Macj Thr Kniffe (otber Vefsion) Macjk Thre Knie (otbher Mackj Ther Knief (othber Verfsion)
Maci Th4 Knice (otger Veesion) Macik Th4e Knicfe Macki The4 Knifce (othger Veresion) Thd Knire (otyer Verssion) Thde Knirfe Verion)
Thed Knifre (othyer Verison)

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