Music Makes My World Go Round

Please don't say, I'm losing you
We went so wrong and it's all over, over again
Don't you tell me that it's true
And there is nothing I can do?

Won't you try to understand
It ain't so simple but I hope that I can explain
Won't you let me take your hand
'cause that's the place I need to land

Music makes my world go round
And music gets me high and keeps me on the ground
In music I feel safe and sound
Get lost and still be found

Please don't ever make me choose
If only I think about it, I go insane
Don't you leave me now my muse
'cause all my love you can't refuse

Music makes my world go round
Music gets me high and keeps me on the ground
Music makes my world go round
Music lifts me up when you're, you're not around
In music I feel safe and sound
Get lost and still be found


Please don't say, I'm losing you
We went so wrong and it's all over, over again
Don't you tell me that it's true
And there is nothing I can do?


Mirror lyrics:


And there is nothing I can do?
Don't you tell me that it's true
We went so wrong and it's all over, over again
Please don't say, I'm losing you


Get lost and still be found
In music I feel safe and sound
Music lifts me up when you're, you're not around
Music makes my world go round
Music gets me high and keeps me on the ground
Music makes my world go round

'cause all my love you can't refuse
Don't you leave me now my muse
If only I think about it, I go insane
Please don't ever make me choose

Get lost and still be found
In music I feel safe and sound
And music gets me high and keeps me on the ground
Music makes my world go round

'cause that's the place I need to land
Won't you let me take your hand
It ain't so simple but I hope that I can explain
Won't you try to understand

And there is nothing I can do?
Don't you tell me that it's true
We went so wrong and it's all over, over again
Please don't say, I'm losing you

Relevant Tags:
MMusic MMakes MMy WWorld GGo RRound usic akes y orld o ound uMsic aMkes yM oWrld oG oRund jusic jakes jy aorld ho dound jMusic jMakes jMy aWorld hGo dRound
Mjusic Mjakes Mjy Waorld Gho Rdound kusic kakes ky 3orld yo 4ound kMusic kMakes kMy 3World yGo 4Round Mkusic Mkakes Mky W3orld Gyo R4ound nusic nakes ny dorld bo gound
nMusic nMakes nMy dWorld bGo gRound Mnusic Mnakes Mny Wdorld Gbo Rgound Muusic Maakes Myy eorld vo tound Msic Mkes M eWorld vGo tRound Msuic Mkaes My Weorld Gvo Rtound
Mhsic Mzkes Mg sorld fo 5ound Mhusic Mzakes Mgy sWorld fGo 5Round Muhsic Mazkes Myg Wsorld Gfo R5ound M7sic Mqkes Mh 2orld to found M7usic Mqakes Mhy 2World tGo fRound
Mu7sic Maqkes Myh W2orld Gto Rfound Mksic Mskes M6 qorld Goo eound Msakes M6y qWorld G eRound Muksic Maskes My6 Wqorld Go Reound Misic Mwkes Mu Woorld Gk Roound
Miusic Mwakes Muy Wrld Gko Rund Muisic Mawkes Myu Wrold Gok Ruond M8sic Mxkes M7 Wkrld G9 Rkund M8usic Mxakes M7y Wkorld G9o Rkound Mu8sic Maxkes My7 Wokrld Go9 Rokund
Mjsic Makkes Mj W9rld G0 R9und Maes W9orld G0o R9ound Mujsic Maeks Myj Wo9rld Go0 Ro9und Mysic Males Mt W0rld Gl R0und Myusic Malkes Mty W0orld Glo R0ound
Muysic Makles Myt Wo0rld Gol Ro0und Mussic Maoes Wlrld Gi Rlund Muic Maokes Wlorld Gio Rlound Muisc Makoes Wolrld Goi Rolund Muzic Mames Wirld Riund
Muzsic Mamkes Wiorld Riound Muszic Makmes Woirld Roiund Muwic Majes Worrld Rouund Muwsic Majkes Wold Rond Muswic Makjes Wolrd Ronud
Mudic Maies Wodld Rohnd Mudsic Maikes Wodrld Rohund Musdic Makies Wordld Rouhnd Mueic Makees Wo4ld Ro7nd Muesic Maks Wo4rld Ro7und

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