Linda Perry
Carry On

What will we become
Fallen children of the sun
Growing much too fast
How much longer will we last?
Without a ray of love to shine on everyone
And the silence we all wish we woke upon
We once were innocent but now we're far too gone
Carry on, chasing the sun
Carry on, we'll carry on
We'll carry on til we become one
Carry on, carry on
Tales and fantasies
Are all we're left with to believe
Castles in the sand
No one really gives a damn
Without a stone to throw, how would ripples fade away
Would there be make-believe, if nothing had to change

Who are we fooling, holding on to so much rage
We'll carry on, chasing the sun
We'll carry on, carry on
Carry on til we become one
Carry on, carry on
Welcome, welcome to this humble house of age
We would like to help you in your humble state
Time has granted you so many open doors
Now it's up to you to choose which one is yours
Carry on, chasing the sun
We'll carry on, carry on
Carry on til we become one
Carry on, we'll carry on

Mirror lyrics:

Carry on, we'll carry on
Carry on til we become one
We'll carry on, carry on
Carry on, chasing the sun
Now it's up to you to choose which one is yours
Time has granted you so many open doors
We would like to help you in your humble state
Welcome, welcome to this humble house of age
Carry on, carry on
Carry on til we become one
We'll carry on, carry on
We'll carry on, chasing the sun
Who are we fooling, holding on to so much rage

Would there be make-believe, if nothing had to change
Without a stone to throw, how would ripples fade away
No one really gives a damn
Castles in the sand
Are all we're left with to believe
Tales and fantasies
Carry on, carry on
We'll carry on til we become one
Carry on, we'll carry on
Carry on, chasing the sun
We once were innocent but now we're far too gone
And the silence we all wish we woke upon
Without a ray of love to shine on everyone
How much longer will we last?
Growing much too fast
Fallen children of the sun
What will we become

Relevant Tags:
CCarry OOn arry n aCrry nO farry kn fCarry kOn Cfarry Okn xarry 9n xCarry 9On Cxarry O9n varry 0n vCarry 0On
Cvarry O0n darry ln dCarry lOn Cdarry Oln Caarry in Crry iOn Crary Oin Czrry Onn Czarry O Cazrry On Cqrry Om
Cqarry Omn Caqrry Onm Csrry Oh Csarry Ohn Casrry Onh Cwrry Oj Cwarry Ojn Cawrry Onj Cxrry Ob Obn Caxrry Onb
Carrry Cary Carry Cadry Cadrry Cardry Ca4ry Ca4rry Car4ry Cagry Cagrry
Cargry Catry

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