Linda Eder
The Man That Got Away

The night is bitter
the stars have lost their glitter
the winds grow colder
and suddenly you're older
and all because of the man that got away

No more his eager call
the writing's on the wall
the dreams you've dreamed
have all gone astray

The man that won you
has run off and undone you
that great beginning
has seen a final inning
don't know what happened
it's all a crazy game

No more that all time thrill
for you've been through the mill
and never a new love
will be the same

Good riddance, goodbye
every trick of his you're onto
but fools will be fools
and where's he gone to

The road gets rougher
it's lonlier and tougher
with hope you burn up
tomorrow he might turn up
there's just no letup
the livelong night and day

Ever since this world began
there is nothing sadder than
a one man woman
looking for the man that got away
the man that got away

Mirror lyrics:

the man that got away
looking for the man that got away
a one man woman
there is nothing sadder than
Ever since this world began

the livelong night and day
there's just no letup
tomorrow he might turn up
with hope you burn up
it's lonlier and tougher
The road gets rougher

and where's he gone to
but fools will be fools
every trick of his you're onto
Good riddance, goodbye

will be the same
and never a new love
for you've been through the mill
No more that all time thrill

it's all a crazy game
don't know what happened
has seen a final inning
that great beginning
has run off and undone you
The man that won you

have all gone astray
the dreams you've dreamed
the writing's on the wall
No more his eager call

and all because of the man that got away
and suddenly you're older
the winds grow colder
the stars have lost their glitter
The night is bitter

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMan TThat GGot AAway he an hat ot way hTe aMn hTat oGt wAay fhe jan fhat hot zway fThe jMan fThat hGot zAway Tfhe Mjan Tfhat Ghot Azway
5he kan 5hat yot qway 5The kMan 5That yGot qAway T5he Mkan T5hat Gyot Aqway hhe nan hhat bot sway hThe nMan hThat bGot sAway Thhe Mnan Thhat Gbot Asway
yhe Maan yhat vot wway yThe Mn yThat vGot wAway Tyhe Mna Tyhat Gvot Awway 6he Mzn 6hat fot xway 6The Mzan 6That fGot xAway T6he Mazn T6hat Gfot Axway
ghe Mqn ghat tot gThe Mqan gThat tGot Aay Tghe Maqn Tghat Gtot Aawy rhe Msn rhat Goot Aaay rThe Msan rThat Gt Aaway Trhe Masn Trhat Gto Awaay
Mwn Gkt A3ay Te Mwan Tat Gkot A3way Teh Mawn Taht Gokt Aw3ay Tje Mxn Tjat G9t Aday Tjhe Mxan Tjhat G9ot Adway Thje Maxn Thjat Go9t Awday
Tue Mann Tuat G0t Aeay Tuhe Ma Tuhat G0ot Aeway Thue Man Thuat Go0t Aweay Tne Mam Tnat Glt Asay Tnhe Mamn Tnhat Glot Thne Manm Thnat Golt Awsay
Tbe Mah Tbat Git A2ay Tbhe Mahn Tbhat Giot A2way Thbe Manh Thbat Goit Aw2ay Tge Maj Tgat Gott Aqay Majn Go Thge Manj Thgat Got Awqay

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