Linda Eder
Please Don't Make Me Love You (from Dracula, The M

There only so much
That a heart can take
Before it starts to break

Please don't make me love you
Please don't make me need you
I've no room in my life
For something like this

Please don't take my mornings
Please don't steal my summers
I know they will vanish
The moment we kiss

I grow weak when we talk
I'm confused when we touch
I should just walk away
But that's asking too much

Pease don't make me do this
Please don't make me want this
All my drams were taken
Until i met you

Your the one I think of
Soon as I awaken
Funny how the heart tells
The mind what to do

I'm not sure I can go through all
The joy and the pain
Much better now
To let these dreams take flight!

Please dont make me love you
Please dont make me need you
Simplify my life
By just setting me free

Promise me you'll do this
Only you can do this
Please don't make me love you
Unless you love me

Mirror lyrics:

Unless you love me
Please don't make me love you
Only you can do this
Promise me you'll do this

By just setting me free
Simplify my life
Please dont make me need you
Please dont make me love you

To let these dreams take flight!
Much better now
The joy and the pain
I'm not sure I can go through all

The mind what to do
Funny how the heart tells
Soon as I awaken
Your the one I think of

Until i met you
All my drams were taken
Please don't make me want this
Pease don't make me do this

But that's asking too much
I should just walk away
I'm confused when we touch
I grow weak when we talk

The moment we kiss
I know they will vanish
Please don't steal my summers
Please don't take my mornings

For something like this
I've no room in my life
Please don't make me need you
Please don't make me love you

Before it starts to break
That a heart can take
There only so much

Relevant Tags:
PPlease DDon't MMake MMe LLove YYou ((from DDracula, TThe MM lease on't ake e ove ou from racula, he
lPease oDn't aMke eM oLve oYu f(rom rDacula, hTe M 0lease xon't jake je kove gou (ffrom xracula, fhe j
0Please xDon't jMake jMe kLove gYou (rom xDracula, fThe jM P0lease Dxon't Mjake Mje Lkove Ygou (rfom Dxracula, Tfhe Mj
llease eon't kake ke oove hou (crom eracula, 5he k lPlease eDon't kMake kMe oLove hYou (cfrom eDracula, 5The kM
Pllease Deon't Mkake Mke Loove Yhou (fcrom Deracula, T5he Mk olease fon't nake ne pove 6ou (rrom fracula, hhe n
oPlease fDon't nMake nMe pLove 6You (rfrom fDracula, hThe nM Polease Dfon't Mnake Mne Lpove Y6ou (frrom Dfracula, Thhe Mn
ron't Maake Mee uou (grom rracula, yhe Pease rDon't Mke M Lve uYou (gfrom rDracula, yThe
Pelase Dron't Mkae Me Lvoe Yuou (fgrom Drracula, Tyhe Pkease con't Mzke Ms Lkve 7ou (trom cracula, 6he
Pklease cDon't Mzake Mse 7You (tfrom cDracula, 6The Plkease Dcon't Mazke Mes Lokve Y7ou (ftrom Dcracula, T6he
Poease son't Mqke M3 L9ve jou (vrom sracula, ghe sDon't Mqake M3e L9ove jYou (vfrom sDracula, gThe
Ploease Dson't Maqke Me3 Lo9ve Yjou (fvrom Dsracula, Tghe Ppease Doon't Mske Mf L0ve tou (drom rhe
Pplease Dn't Msake Mfe L0ove tYou (dfrom Dacula, rThe Plpease Dno't Maske Mef Lo0ve Ytou (fdrom Darcula, Trhe
Pleease Dkn't Mwke Mr Llve Yoou Ddacula, Plase Dkon't Mwake Mre Llove Yu (fom Ddracula, Te
Plaese Dokn't Mawke Mer Lolve Yuo (form Drdacula, Teh Plsase D9n't Mxke M4 Live Yku (fdom D4acula, Tje
Plsease D9on't Mxake M4e Liove Ykou D4racula, Tjhe Plesase Do9n't Maxke Me4 Loive Yoku (frdom Dr4acula, Thje
Pl3ase D0n't Makke Md Lovve Y9u (f4om Dgacula, Tue Pl3ease D0on't Mae Mde Loe Y9ou (f4rom Dgracula, Tuhe
Ple3ase Do0n't Maek Med Loev Yo9u (fr4om Drgacula, Thue Plfase Dln't Male Mw Lobe Y0u (fgom Dtacula, Tne
Plfease Dlon't Malke Mwe Lobve Y0ou Dtracula, Tnhe Plefase Doln't Makle Mew Lovbe Yo0u (frgom Drtacula, Thne
Plrase Din't Maoe Loce Ylu (ftom D5acula, Tbe Plrease Dion't Maoke Locve Ylou D5racula, Tbhe
Plerase Doin't Makoe Lovce Yolu (frtom Dr5acula, Thbe Pl4ase Donn't Mame Loge Yiu (f5om Dfacula, Tge
Pl4ease Do't Mamke Logve Yiou (f5rom Ple4ase Do'nt Makme Lovge Yoiu (fr5om Drfacula, Thge
Pldase Dom't Maje Lofe Youu (ffom Deacula, Tye Pldease Domn't Majke Lofve Yo
Pledase Donm't Makje Lovfe You (frfom Dreacula, Thye Plwase Doh't Maie Lovee Yoh (feom Draacula, Thee
Plwease Dohn't Maike Lov Yohu (ferom Drcula, Th Plewase Donh't Makie Love Youh (freom Drcaula, The
Pleaase Doj't Makee Lovs Yo7 (froom Drzcula, Ths Plese Dojn't Mak Lovse Yo7u (frm Drzacula, Thse
Plesae Donj't Make Loves You7 (frmo Drazcula, Thes Plezse Dob't Maks Lov3 Yok (frkm Drqcula, Th3
Plezase Dobn't Makse Lov3e (frkom Drqacula, Th3e Pleazse Donb't Makes Love3 Youk (frokm Draqcula, The3
Pleqse Don''t Mak3 Lovf Yoi (fr9m Drscula, Thf Pleqase Dont Mak3e (fr9om Drsacula, Thfe
Pleaqse Dont' Make3 Lovef Youi (fro9m Drascula, Thef Plesse Don'tt Makf Lovr Yo8 (fr0m Drwcula, Thr
Don' Makfe Lovre Yo8u (fr0om Drwacula, Thre Pleasse Don't Makef Lover You8 (fro0m Drawcula, Ther

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