A Brand New Day

(Richard Buck)

Lady, I'm calling you to say
How much you mean to me
Been so lonely since the day
You left me for another guy

Baby, I never really meant
To hurt your love for me
And I want you to know that
It wasn't really serious

Tell me, is it just a waste of time?
Boy, I want you to be mine, all mine
Tell me, is it just a grand illusion?
I think it's time we had a conversation

Today is a brand new day
Come on, let's make it last forevermore
Let's forget about yesterday
Whoa-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh

(Repeat Chorus)

Lady, angel of the dreams
I had when I was lonely
I was sleeping alone
Thinking of you all the time

Baby, I promise you
That I will never let you down
You're the man of my life
You're the one I really love

(Repeat Pre-Chorus)

(Repeat Chorus 2x)

(Instrumental Break)

(Repeat Pre-Chorus)

(Repeat Chorus and fade)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat Chorus and fade)

(Repeat Pre-Chorus)

(Instrumental Break)

(Repeat Chorus 2x)

(Repeat Pre-Chorus)

You're the one I really love
You're the man of my life
That I will never let you down
Baby, I promise you

Thinking of you all the time
I was sleeping alone
I had when I was lonely
Lady, angel of the dreams

(Repeat Chorus)

Whoa-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh
Let's forget about yesterday
Come on, let's make it last forevermore
Today is a brand new day

I think it's time we had a conversation
Tell me, is it just a grand illusion?
Boy, I want you to be mine, all mine
Tell me, is it just a waste of time?

It wasn't really serious
And I want you to know that
To hurt your love for me
Baby, I never really meant

You left me for another guy
Been so lonely since the day
How much you mean to me
Lady, I'm calling you to say

(Richard Buck)

Relevant Tags:
AA BBrand NNew DDay rand ew ay A rBand eNw aDy z vrand mew xay zA vBrand mNew xDay Az Bvrand Nmew Dxay q grand hew eay
qA gBrand hNew eDay Aq Bgrand Nhew Deay s nrand jew fay sA nBrand jNew fDay As Bnrand Njew Dfay w hrand bew ray wA hBrand bNew rDay
Aw Bhrand Nbew Dray x Brrand Neew cay xA Band Nw cDay Ax Barnd Nwe Dcay Bdand Nsw say Bdrand Nsew sDay Brdand Nesw Dsay
B4and N3w Daay B4rand N3ew Dy Br4and Ne3w Dya Bgand Nfw Dzy Nfew Dzay Brgand Nefw Dazy Btand Nrw Dqy
Btrand Nrew Dqay Brtand Nerw Daqy B5and N4w Dsy B5rand N4ew Br5and Ne4w Dasy Bfand Ndw Dwy Bfrand Ndew Dway
Brfand Nedw Dawy Beand Nww Dxy Berand Nwew Breand Neww Daxy Braand Dayy Brnd Ne Da Brnad New Day
Brznd Nea Dag Brzand Neaw Dagy Braznd Newa Dayg Brqnd Ne3 Dah

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