Lisa Lopes
The Universal Quest (feat. Esthero)

It's for the open minded

now what do you blieve?
who do you recieve?
where do you go next?
and through what exit do you leave?
the questions that i believe confessions go to He
count your many lessons and blessings that they bring
this is for my breed and all life that is concieved
energy told me you manifest your destiney
what is energy?
it's what you eat
it's what you breathe
it's what you think
it permeates throughout your being
and serves a link to all other energies
that's anything and everything
moving light that you have never seen
and light carries information
without hesitation vibrations glean
through the constellation manifestation stimulated
better destination total creation realizations
and mental concentration
alienated from the truth
is why we conversated
savin the nation for the youth
is for my observation

Are you free or are you guided?
do you make your own decisions?
our only responsibility is love (love)

Let's touch on christianity
i question all humanity
is God so full of vanity?
that children enter this family
who haven't yet to see that Jesus is the key
or suffer this calamity i cast you down for eternity
you can call me what you want to
but the man in me
separated from this false reality
would never be the victim of casualty
for my lack of understanding there's a guarentee
spirituality has immortality
no matter your status or your nationality
what's your locality notice the fallacy
we're all separated by the pricipalities
billions of galaxies and all you see is this
in the totality of eternal bliss
a life of sin it's all the kin

[Chorus 2x]

You see we like to make things complicated
you don't have to read books and go to church
to learn about God
and find out
we don't know how to talk to each other
you know if we all just be quiet
then we'll realize that we can really hear each other
and then you'll realize that you already have the answers

[Chorus 2x]

Do you make, make your own?
cuz you're all on your own
do you make, make your own?
cuz you're all on your own

Do you make, make your own?
cuz you're all on your own
do you make, make your own?
cuz you're all on your own

Do you make, make your own?
cuz you're all on your own
do you make, make your own?
cuz you're all on your own

Mirror lyrics:

cuz you're all on your own
do you make, make your own?
cuz you're all on your own
Do you make, make your own?

cuz you're all on your own
do you make, make your own?
cuz you're all on your own
Do you make, make your own?

cuz you're all on your own
do you make, make your own?
cuz you're all on your own
Do you make, make your own?

[Chorus 2x]

and then you'll realize that you already have the answers
then we'll realize that we can really hear each other
you know if we all just be quiet
we don't know how to talk to each other
and find out
to learn about God
you don't have to read books and go to church
You see we like to make things complicated

[Chorus 2x]

a life of sin it's all the kin
in the totality of eternal bliss
billions of galaxies and all you see is this
we're all separated by the pricipalities
what's your locality notice the fallacy
no matter your status or your nationality
spirituality has immortality
for my lack of understanding there's a guarentee
would never be the victim of casualty
separated from this false reality
but the man in me
you can call me what you want to
or suffer this calamity i cast you down for eternity
who haven't yet to see that Jesus is the key
that children enter this family
is God so full of vanity?
i question all humanity
Let's touch on christianity

our only responsibility is love (love)
do you make your own decisions?
Are you free or are you guided?

is for my observation
savin the nation for the youth
is why we conversated
alienated from the truth
and mental concentration
better destination total creation realizations
through the constellation manifestation stimulated
without hesitation vibrations glean
and light carries information
moving light that you have never seen
that's anything and everything
and serves a link to all other energies
it permeates throughout your being
it's what you think
it's what you breathe
it's what you eat
what is energy?
energy told me you manifest your destiney
this is for my breed and all life that is concieved
count your many lessons and blessings that they bring
the questions that i believe confessions go to He
and through what exit do you leave?
where do you go next?
who do you recieve?
now what do you blieve?

It's for the open minded

Relevant Tags:
TThe UUniversal QQuest ((feat. EEsthero) he niversal uest feat. sthero) hTe nUiversal uQest f(eat. sEthero) fhe hniversal auest (ffeat. ssthero) fThe hUniversal aQuest (eat. sEsthero)
Tfhe Uhniversal Qauest (efat. Essthero) 5he 7niversal 2uest (ceat. 3sthero) 5The 7Universal 2Quest (cfeat. 3Esthero) T5he U7niversal Q2uest (fceat. E3sthero) hhe kniversal wuest (reat. fsthero)
hThe kUniversal wQuest (rfeat. fEsthero) Thhe Ukniversal Qwuest (freat. Efsthero) yhe iniversal suest (geat. rsthero) yThe iUniversal sQuest (gfeat. rEsthero) Tyhe Uiniversal Qsuest (fgeat. Ersthero)
6he 8niversal 1uest (teat. 4sthero) 6The 8Universal 1Quest (tfeat. 4Esthero) T6he U8niversal Q1uest (fteat. E4sthero) ghe jniversal Quuest (veat. dsthero) gThe jUniversal Qest (vfeat. dEsthero)
Tghe Ujniversal Qeust (fveat. Edsthero) rhe yniversal Qhest (deat. wsthero) rThe yUniversal Qhuest (dfeat. wEsthero) Trhe Uyniversal Quhest (fdeat. Ewsthero) Unniversal Q7est (feeat.
Te Uiversal Q7uest (fat. Ethero) Teh Uinversal Qu7est (faet. Etshero) Tje Umiversal Qkest (fsat. Ezthero) Tjhe Umniversal Qkuest (fseat. Ezsthero) Thje Unmiversal Qukest (fesat. Eszthero)
Tue Uhiversal Qiest (f3at. Ewthero) Tuhe Qiuest (f3eat. Thue Unhiversal Quiest (fe3at. Eswthero) Tne Ujiversal Q8est (ffat. Edthero) Tnhe Q8uest
Thne Unjiversal Qu8est (fefat. Esdthero) Tbe Ubiversal Qjest (frat. Eethero) Tbhe Ubniversal Qjuest Eesthero) Thbe Unbiversal Qujest (ferat. Esethero) Tge Uniiversal Qyest (f4at. Exthero)
Unversal Qyuest (f4eat. Exsthero) Thge Unviersal Quyest (fe4at. Esxthero) Tye Unjversal Queest (fdat. Eathero) Qust Easthero) Thye Unijversal Quset (fedat. Esathero)
Thee Un9versal Qusst (fwat. Estthero) Th Un9iversal Qusest (fweat. Eshero) The Uni9versal Quesst (fewat. Eshtero) Ths Unlversal Qu3st (feaat. Esfhero) Thse Unliversal Qu3est (fet. Esfthero)
Thes Unilversal Que3st (feta. Estfhero) Th3 Unoversal Qufst (fezt. Es5hero) Th3e Unoiversal Qufest (fezat. Es5thero) The3 Unioversal Quefst (feazt. Est5hero) Thf Unkversal Qurst (feqt. Eshhero)
Thfe Unkiversal Qurest (feqat. Eshthero) Thef Unikversal Querst (feaqt. Esthhero) Thr Un8versal Qu4st (fest. Esyhero) Thre Un8iversal Qu4est Esythero) Ther Uni8versal Que4st (feast. Estyhero)
Th4 Unuversal Qudst (fewt. Es6hero) Th4e Unuiversal Qudest Es6thero) The4 Uniuversal Quedst (feawt. Est6hero) Thd Univversal Quwst (fext. Esghero) Thde Uniersal Quwest (fexat. Esgthero)
Thed Unievrsal Quewst (feaxt. Estghero) Thw Unibersal (featt. Esrhero) Thwe Unibversal Quet (fea. Esrthero) Thew Univbersal Quets (fea.t Estrhero) Unicersal Quezt (feaf.
Unicversal Quezst (feaft. Estero) Univcersal Queszt (featf. Estehro) Unigersal Quewt (fea5. Estjero) Unigversal (fea5t. Estjhero) Univgersal Queswt (feat5. Esthjero)
Unifersal Quedt (feah. Estuero) Unifversal (feaht. Estuhero) Univfersal Quesdt (feath. Esthuero) Univeersal Queet (feay. Estnero) Univrsal (feayt. Estnhero)
Univresal Queset (featy. Esthnero)

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