Lisa Germano
No Color Here

White, bright and yellow

No blue left to cry

No you in the middle of the night

No way around it

Was in the stars

All night long I'll be watching them

As I rest until tomorrow

Rest until tomorrow

Purple hush and velvet

I'll remember them

In, out, over

It's not possible

No color here

No color here

No color here

No color here

All my mistakes woven in a rug

Black, blue and dusty

Is there a beauty there?

Reach, reach, reach

I'll be reaching now

Cryin' out

Is there an angel here?

As I rest until tomorrow

Rest until tomorrow

Emptiness and ice woven in this rug

I'll surround the past

Was there a beauty there?

No color here

No color

And no beauty, sorry

No color here

No color

And no angels either

No way around it

Was in the stars

No color here

Mirror lyrics:

No color here

Was in the stars

No way around it

And no angels either

No color

No color here

And no beauty, sorry

No color

No color here

Was there a beauty there?

I'll surround the past

Emptiness and ice woven in this rug

Rest until tomorrow

As I rest until tomorrow

Is there an angel here?

Cryin' out

I'll be reaching now

Reach, reach, reach

Is there a beauty there?

Black, blue and dusty

All my mistakes woven in a rug

No color here

No color here

No color here

No color here

It's not possible

In, out, over

I'll remember them

Purple hush and velvet

Rest until tomorrow

As I rest until tomorrow

All night long I'll be watching them

Was in the stars

No way around it

No you in the middle of the night

No blue left to cry

White, bright and yellow

Relevant Tags:
NNo CColor HHere o olor ere oN oClor eHre mo folor jere mNo fColor jHere Nmo Cfolor Hjere ho xolor uere hNo xColor uHere Nho Cxolor Huere
jo volor nere jNo vColor nHere Njo Cvolor Hnere bo dolor bere bNo dColor bHere Nbo Cdolor Hbere Noo Coolor gere N Clor gHere No Cloor Hgere
Nk Cklor yere Nko Ckolor yHere Nok Coklor Hyere N9 C9lor Heere N9o C9olor Hre No9 Co9lor Hree N0 C0lor Hsre N0o C0olor Hsere No0 Co0lor Hesre
Nl Cllor H3re Nlo Clolor H3ere Nol Collor He3re Ni Cilor Hfre Nio Ciolor Hfere Noi Coilor Hefre Hrre Coor Hrere Coolr Herre
Cokor H4re H4ere Colkor He4re Cooor Hdre Hdere Coloor Hedre

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