Lighthouse Family

There ain't no point holding back the tide,
Still gonna get ya
'Cause every little bird's gotta learn to fly
Sooner or later
I don't wanna lose you,
Can't always do what you wanna do
There ain't no point holding back the tide,
Don't waste your time

'Cause everything is out there
And there's no limits out there
We could be reaching out for anything if we try enough

Let the daylight in on a better day
It's been too long we've been
Living under a raincloud

Daylight in on a better day
It's been too long we've been
Living under a raincloud

There ain't no point holding back desire,
Still gonna get ya
Strangers on a train driving through the night,
Soon overtakes ya
If someone feels the same as you,
Might as well just do what you wanna do
There ain't no point holding back desire,
Don't waste your time

'Cause everything is out there
And there's no limits out there
We could be reaching out for anything if we try enough

Let the daylight in on a better day
It's been too long we've been
Living under a raincloud

Daylight in on a better day
It's been too long we've been
Living under a raincloud

'Cause everything is out there
And there's no limits out there
We could be reaching out for anything if we try enough

Let the daylight in on a better day
It's been too long we've been
Living under a raincloud

Daylight in on a better day
It's been too long we've been
Living under a raincloud

Let the daylight in on a better day
It's been too long we've been
Living under a raincloud

Daylight in on a better day
It's been too long we've been
Living under a raincloud

Mirror lyrics:

Living under a raincloud
It's been too long we've been
Daylight in on a better day

Living under a raincloud
It's been too long we've been
Let the daylight in on a better day

Living under a raincloud
It's been too long we've been
Daylight in on a better day

Living under a raincloud
It's been too long we've been
Let the daylight in on a better day

We could be reaching out for anything if we try enough
And there's no limits out there
'Cause everything is out there

Living under a raincloud
It's been too long we've been
Daylight in on a better day

Living under a raincloud
It's been too long we've been
Let the daylight in on a better day

We could be reaching out for anything if we try enough
And there's no limits out there
'Cause everything is out there

Don't waste your time
There ain't no point holding back desire,
Might as well just do what you wanna do
If someone feels the same as you,
Soon overtakes ya
Strangers on a train driving through the night,
Still gonna get ya
There ain't no point holding back desire,

Living under a raincloud
It's been too long we've been
Daylight in on a better day

Living under a raincloud
It's been too long we've been
Let the daylight in on a better day

We could be reaching out for anything if we try enough
And there's no limits out there
'Cause everything is out there

Don't waste your time
There ain't no point holding back the tide,
Can't always do what you wanna do
I don't wanna lose you,
Sooner or later
'Cause every little bird's gotta learn to fly
Still gonna get ya
There ain't no point holding back the tide,

Relevant Tags:
RRaincloud aincloud aRincloud daincloud dRaincloud Rdaincloud 4aincloud 4Raincloud R4aincloud gaincloud gRaincloud
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eRaincloud Reaincloud Raaincloud Rincloud Riancloud Rzincloud Rzaincloud Razincloud Rqincloud Rqaincloud Raqincloud
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