Life Once Lost, A

her clothes were soaked with mildew
ropes burned their way through her fragile, thin wrists
i stood over her, watching to see if she was going to live or die
i remember her screaming and scratching at my arms
while i was tying her wrists behind her back
she was kicking her legs up and down in my direction,
trying to prevent me from knotting the ropes
"stop crying," i screamed in her face
"you took me for granted this time...
how could you have done this to me?" i said as i punched the ground beside her until fists were bloody and sore
"honey, this could have been different if you had wanted it to be..." i gently whispered in her ear
"i don't care what you want anymore...
...this is what i want now"
don't offer me anything; you will be wasting your breath

Mirror lyrics:

don't offer me anything; you will be wasting your breath
...this is what i want now"
"i don't care what you want anymore...
"honey, this could have been different if you had wanted it to be..." i gently whispered in her ear
how could you have done this to me?" i said as i punched the ground beside her until fists were bloody and sore
"you took me for granted this time...
"stop crying," i screamed in her face
trying to prevent me from knotting the ropes
she was kicking her legs up and down in my direction,
while i was tying her wrists behind her back
i remember her screaming and scratching at my arms
i stood over her, watching to see if she was going to live or die
ropes burned their way through her fragile, thin wrists
her clothes were soaked with mildew

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