The End Has Only Begun

We walk in your footsteps
Though I've had my ups and downs
and I'll stand in the silence
Until I figure it out

One might fall and the other will stand
and one might give where the other won't bend
The night is bright as the sun

I'm never gonna know
Never gonna look back
Never gonna know where we would have ended up at
The end has only begun

So stop counting the hours
Live out in the world
Cause I've been chasing the answers
and they don't want to be found

One might fall and the other will stand
and one might give where the other won't bend
The night is as bright as the sun

I'm never gonna know
Never gonna look back
Never gonna know where we would have ended up at
The end has only begun

Well the day
Tonight feels like a million miles away
and these times just won't change
Life just stays the same
I'd give anything to see the light of day

Cause I've been too far away
To hear you whispering

They say one might fall and the other will stand
and one might give where the other won't bend
The night is as bright as the sun

I'm never gonna know
Never gonna look back
Never gonna know where we would have ended up at
The end has only begun

Well the day
Tonight feels like a million miles away
and these times just won't change
Life just stays the same
I'd give anything to see the light of day

What you do
No one can decide it's up to you
and who you are is what you choose
These times when the world falls apart
Make us who we are

Mirror lyrics:

Make us who we are
These times when the world falls apart
and who you are is what you choose
No one can decide it's up to you
What you do

I'd give anything to see the light of day
Life just stays the same
and these times just won't change
Tonight feels like a million miles away
Well the day

The end has only begun
Never gonna know where we would have ended up at
Never gonna look back
I'm never gonna know

The night is as bright as the sun
and one might give where the other won't bend
They say one might fall and the other will stand

To hear you whispering
Cause I've been too far away

I'd give anything to see the light of day
Life just stays the same
and these times just won't change
Tonight feels like a million miles away
Well the day

The end has only begun
Never gonna know where we would have ended up at
Never gonna look back
I'm never gonna know

The night is as bright as the sun
and one might give where the other won't bend
One might fall and the other will stand

and they don't want to be found
Cause I've been chasing the answers
Live out in the world
So stop counting the hours

The end has only begun
Never gonna know where we would have ended up at
Never gonna look back
I'm never gonna know

The night is bright as the sun
and one might give where the other won't bend
One might fall and the other will stand

Until I figure it out
and I'll stand in the silence
Though I've had my ups and downs
We walk in your footsteps

Relevant Tags:
TThe EEnd HHas OOnly BBegun he nd as nly egun hTe nEd aHs nOly eBgun fhe snd jas knly vegun fThe sEnd jHas kOnly vBegun Tfhe Esnd Hjas Oknly Bvegun
5he 3nd uas 9nly gegun 5The 3End uHas 9Only gBegun T5he E3nd Huas O9nly Bgegun hhe fnd nas 0nly negun hThe fEnd nHas 0Only nBegun Thhe Efnd Hnas O0nly Bnegun
yhe rnd bas lnly hegun yThe rEnd bHas lOnly hBegun Tyhe Ernd Hbas Olnly Bhegun 6he 4nd gas inly Beegun 6The 4End gHas iOnly Bgun T6he E4nd Hgas Oinly Bgeun
ghe dnd yas Onnly Bsgun gThe dEnd yHas Oly Bsegun Tghe Ednd Hyas Olny Besgun rhe wnd Haas Omly B3gun rThe wEnd Hs Omnly B3egun Trhe Ewnd Hsa Onmly Be3gun
Ennd Hzs Ohly Bfgun Te Ed Hzas Ohnly Bfegun Teh Edn Hazs Onhly Befgun Tje Emd Hqs Ojly Brgun Tjhe Emnd Hqas Ojnly Bregun Thje Enmd Haqs Onjly Bergun
Tue Ehd Hss Obly B4gun Tuhe Ehnd Hsas Obnly B4egun Thue Enhd Hass Onbly Be4gun Tne Ejd Hws Onlly Bdgun Tnhe Ejnd Hwas Ony Bdegun Thne Enjd Haws Onyl Bedgun
Tbe Ebd Hxs Onky Bwgun Tbhe Ebnd Hxas Onkly Bwegun Thbe Enbd Haxs Onlky Bewgun Tge Endd Onoy Beggun En Ha Onoly Beun Thge End Has Onloy Beugn
Tye Enx Haz Onpy Behun Enxd Onply Behgun Thye Endx Hasz Onlpy Beghun Thee Ene Haw Onlyy Beyun Th Ened Onl Beygun

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