Better Luck Next Time

Sometimes we fall
Ain't nothing new to me
Don't get me wrong
I'm a son you gave up for this child now

Stop, tell me where you going?
Maybe the one you love isn't there
You're going under
But you're over it all
So you don't care about all that I had to see
Watch and wait until you come around

Don't close your eyes
You need to see it all
It's no surprise
Did they break you down?
At least they won't give you up

Stop tell me where you going?
Maybe the one you love isn't there
You're going under
But you're over it all
So you don't care about all that I had to see
Watch you wait until you come around

It's all wonderful
Living happily
To lose it all
Think you have everything

Stop tell me where you going?
Maybe the one you love isn't there
You're going under
But you're over it all
So you don't care about all that I had to see
Watch you wait until you come around

Stop tell me where you going?
Maybe the one you love isn't there
You're going under
But you're over it all
So you don't care about all that I had to see
Watch you wait until you come around

Mirror lyrics:

Watch you wait until you come around
So you don't care about all that I had to see
But you're over it all
You're going under
Maybe the one you love isn't there
Stop tell me where you going?

Watch you wait until you come around
So you don't care about all that I had to see
But you're over it all
You're going under
Maybe the one you love isn't there
Stop tell me where you going?

Think you have everything
To lose it all
Living happily
It's all wonderful

Watch you wait until you come around
So you don't care about all that I had to see
But you're over it all
You're going under
Maybe the one you love isn't there
Stop tell me where you going?

At least they won't give you up
Did they break you down?
It's no surprise
You need to see it all
Don't close your eyes

Watch and wait until you come around
So you don't care about all that I had to see
But you're over it all
You're going under
Maybe the one you love isn't there
Stop, tell me where you going?

I'm a son you gave up for this child now
Don't get me wrong
Ain't nothing new to me
Sometimes we fall

Relevant Tags:
BBetter LLuck NNext TTime etter uck ext ime eBtter uLck eNxt iTme vetter kuck mext fime vBetter kLuck mNext fTime Bvetter Lkuck Nmext Tfime
getter ouck hext 5ime gBetter oLuck hNext 5Time Bgetter Louck Nhext T5ime netter puck jext hime nBetter pLuck jNext hTime Bnetter Lpuck Njext Thime
hetter Luuck bext yime hBetter Lck bNext yTime Bhetter Lcuk Nbext Tyime Beetter Lhck Neext 6ime Btter Lhuck Nxt 6Time Bteter Luhck Nxet T6ime
Bstter L7ck Nsxt gime Bsetter L7uck Nsext gTime Bestter Lu7ck Nesxt Tgime B3tter Lkck N3xt rime B3etter N3ext rTime Be3tter Lukck Ne3xt Trime
Bftter Lick Nfxt Tiime Bfetter Liuck Nfext Tme Beftter Luick Nefxt Tmie Brtter L8ck Nrxt Tjme Bretter L8uck Nrext Tjime Bertter Lu8ck Nerxt Tijme
B4tter Ljck N4xt T9me B4etter Ljuck N4ext T9ime Be4tter Lujck Ne4xt Ti9me Bdtter Lyck Ndxt Tlme Bdetter Lyuck Ndext Tlime Bedtter Luyck Nedxt Tilme
Bwtter Lucck Nwxt Tome Bwetter Luk Nwext Toime Bewtter Lukc Newxt Tiome Bettter Lufk Nexxt Tkme Beter Lufck Net Tkime Better Lucfk Netx Tikme
Befter Luxk Nedt T8me Luxck T8ime Betfter Lucxk Nexdt Ti8me Be5ter Luvk Nezt Tume Be5tter Luvck Nezxt Tuime Bet5ter Lucvk Nexzt Tiume
Behter Ludk Nect Timme Behtter Ludck Necxt Tie Bethter Lucdk Nexct Tiem Beyter Luckk Nest Tije Beytter Luc Betyter Luck Nexst Timje
Be6ter Lucl Nextt Tike Be6tter Luclk Nex Bet6ter Luckl Next Timke Begter Luco Nexf Tine

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