Liberty X
Wanting Me Tonight

I know you like my style
See ive notest for a while
But your looking at me one too many times
If you like what you see
Why dont you come talk to me
I dont bite except i know your not that shy, no, no

Gonna take you on
Bet you think about it when your all alone
you cant stop cause the feelings strong
Move a little closer, Let me show you how it's done

Boy now you know the score
Gotta work your body on the dance floor
Getting close to me is what you came here for
Gonna get you hoping until your begging me for more

I know that you wanna get with me
I can see that youve been checking me
I can tell you wanna get it on to night,Dont hide, cant fight
Why you wanna make it hard for me
Im over here where you should be
It's obvious you wanted me to night

Your Friends are telling me
That your really into me
But i wanna chance to find out for myself
So give me a little sign
See it's playing on my mind
Baby you and i should spend a little time

Dont you wanna see
What could really happen with you and me
I dont wanna play no more hide and seek
Let's get togher you know you got me weak
Now you know the score
You give me a feeling that i cant ignore
Getting next to you is what i came here for
Gonna keep you looking until your running back for more

I know that you wanna get with me
I can see that uve been checking me
I can tell you wanna get it on to night, dont fight, cant hide
Why you wanna make it hard for me
Im over here where you should be
It's obvious you wanted me to night

It's all about the way you move your body while we shine
Doncha feel the heat doncha feel the heat doncha wanna dance with me
And then you feel the rhythm taking over burning through your veins
I cant wait no more

I know that you wanna get with me
I can see that uve been checking me
I can tell you wanna get it on to night, dont fight, cant hide
Why you wanna make it hard for me
I'm over here where you should be
It's obvious you wanted me to night

(Repeat Chorus x2)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat Chorus x2)

It's obvious you wanted me to night
I'm over here where you should be
Why you wanna make it hard for me
I can tell you wanna get it on to night, dont fight, cant hide
I can see that uve been checking me
I know that you wanna get with me

I cant wait no more
And then you feel the rhythm taking over burning through your veins
Doncha feel the heat doncha feel the heat doncha wanna dance with me
It's all about the way you move your body while we shine

It's obvious you wanted me to night
Im over here where you should be
Why you wanna make it hard for me
I can tell you wanna get it on to night, dont fight, cant hide
I can see that uve been checking me
I know that you wanna get with me

Gonna keep you looking until your running back for more
Getting next to you is what i came here for
You give me a feeling that i cant ignore
Now you know the score
Let's get togher you know you got me weak
I dont wanna play no more hide and seek
What could really happen with you and me
Dont you wanna see

Baby you and i should spend a little time
See it's playing on my mind
So give me a little sign
But i wanna chance to find out for myself
That your really into me
Your Friends are telling me

It's obvious you wanted me to night
Im over here where you should be
Why you wanna make it hard for me
I can tell you wanna get it on to night,Dont hide, cant fight
I can see that youve been checking me
I know that you wanna get with me

Gonna get you hoping until your begging me for more
Getting close to me is what you came here for
Gotta work your body on the dance floor
Boy now you know the score

Move a little closer, Let me show you how it's done
you cant stop cause the feelings strong
Bet you think about it when your all alone
Gonna take you on

I dont bite except i know your not that shy, no, no
Why dont you come talk to me
If you like what you see
But your looking at me one too many times
See ive notest for a while
I know you like my style

Relevant Tags:
WWanting MMe TTonight anting e onight aWnting eM oTnight aanting je fonight aWanting jMe fTonight Waanting Mje Tfonight
3anting ke 5onight 3Wanting kMe 5Tonight W3anting Mke T5onight danting ne honight dWanting nMe hTonight Wdanting Mne Thonight
eanting Mee yonight eWanting M yTonight Weanting Me Tyonight santing Ms 6onight sWanting Mse 6Tonight Wsanting Mes T6onight
2anting M3 gonight 2Wanting M3e gTonight W2anting Me3 Tgonight qanting Mf ronight qWanting Mfe rTonight Wqanting Mef Tronight
Mr Toonight Wnting Mre Tnight Wnating Mer Tnoight Wznting M4 Tknight Wzanting M4e Tkonight Waznting Me4 Toknight
Wqnting Md T9night Mde T9onight Waqnting Med To9night Wsnting Mw T0night Mwe T0onight Wasnting Mew To0night
Wwnting Tlnight Wwanting Tlonight Wawnting Tolnight Wxnting Tinight Wxanting Tionight Waxnting Toinight
Wannting Tonnight Wating Toight Watning Toinght Wamting Tomight Wamnting Tomnight Wanmting Tonmight
Wahting Tohight Wahnting Tohnight Wanhting Tonhight Wajting Tojight Wajnting Tojnight Wanjting Tonjight
Wabting Tobight Wabnting Tobnight Wanbting Tonbight Wantting Toniight Waning Tonght Wanitng Tongiht
Wanfing Tonjght Wanfting Wantfing Tonijght Wan5ing Ton9ght Wan5ting Ton9ight Want5ing Toni9ght
Wanhing Tonlght Tonlight Wanthing Tonilght Wanying Tonoght

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