Life Of Agony
Method Of The Groove

We've got the method of groove that grabbed your attention
Now that you're aware we're gonna give you the message
My father taught me many things
Living deaf, dumb & blind will get you nothing
So listen up and hear what I have to say
It's never too late to learn in this day and age
We'll point you in a new direction
Passed down to this generation

If you've learned anything from me
It would be to hold on to your dreams
Learn from my mistakes
And it will take off some of the weight
He said 'You got your whole life to live,
And so much more to give,
Never compromise and you will never live a lie'
He said 'Son, remember where you came from'

We never doubted ourselves for a minute
Oh they may criticize and compromise, but we were always in it
So come on down and see what this is all about
It's in our soul, on the road, wherever we may go
So wake up, nothing can stop us,
We got the chaos so just let us
Provide the lines that make your mind spend the time
Think before you sink to the bottom

He said 'Son, remember where you came from'

Mirror lyrics:

He said 'Son, remember where you came from'

Think before you sink to the bottom
Provide the lines that make your mind spend the time
We got the chaos so just let us
So wake up, nothing can stop us,
It's in our soul, on the road, wherever we may go
So come on down and see what this is all about
Oh they may criticize and compromise, but we were always in it
We never doubted ourselves for a minute

He said 'Son, remember where you came from'
Never compromise and you will never live a lie'
And so much more to give,
He said 'You got your whole life to live,
And it will take off some of the weight
Learn from my mistakes
It would be to hold on to your dreams
If you've learned anything from me

Passed down to this generation
We'll point you in a new direction
It's never too late to learn in this day and age
So listen up and hear what I have to say
Living deaf, dumb & blind will get you nothing
My father taught me many things
Now that you're aware we're gonna give you the message
We've got the method of groove that grabbed your attention

Relevant Tags:
MMethod OOf TThe GGroove ethod f he roove eMthod fO hTe rGoove jethod kf fhe hroove jMethod kOf fThe hGroove Mjethod Okf Tfhe Ghroove
kethod 9f 5he yroove kMethod 9Of 5The yGroove Mkethod O9f T5he Gyroove nethod 0f hhe broove nMethod 0Of hThe bGroove Mnethod O0f Thhe Gbroove
Meethod lf yhe vroove Mthod lOf yThe vGroove Mtehod Olf Tyhe Gvroove Msthod if 6he froove Msethod iOf 6The fGroove Mesthod Oif T6he Gfroove
M3thod Off ghe troove M3ethod O gThe tGroove Me3thod Of Tghe Gtroove Mfthod Oc rhe Grroove Mfethod Ocf rThe Goove Mefthod Ofc Trhe Gorove
Mrthod Or Gdoove Mrethod Orf Te Gdroove Merthod Ofr Teh Grdoove M4thod Og Tje G4oove M4ethod Ogf Tjhe G4roove Me4thod Ofg Thje Gr4oove
Mdthod Ot Tue Ggoove Mdethod Otf Tuhe Ggroove Medthod Oft Thue Grgoove Mwthod Ov Tne Gtoove Mwethod Ovf Tnhe Mewthod Ofv Thne Grtoove
Metthod Od Tbe G5oove Mehod Odf Tbhe G5roove Mehtod Ofd Thbe Gr5oove Mefhod Tge Gfoove Metfhod Thge Grfoove Me5hod Tye Geoove
Me5thod Geroove Met5hod Thye Greoove Mehhod Thee Grooove Mehthod Th Grove Methhod The Groove Meyhod Ths Grkove
Meythod Thse Grkoove Metyhod Thes Grokove Me6hod Th3 Gr9ove Me6thod Th3e Gr9oove Met6hod The3 Gro9ove Meghod Thf Gr0ove
Megthod Thfe Gr0oove Metghod Thef Gro0ove Merhod Thr Grlove

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