Liam Lynch
Fake Depeche Mode Song Miserable Life

Well I'm not pretty or good to the eye
Never left my room 'til 25
If I were happy would you punish me?
Tie me up and call it therapy

Miserable Life, Miserable Life
Miserable Life, Miserable Life
Miserable Life Miserable Life
Miserable Life (Life)

Let me be your perfect scratching post
Your father, son and your holy ghost
They vie devotion, turn my back on me
Don't push me down and call me a woosy

Miserable Life Miserable Life
Miserable Life Miserable Life
Miserable Life Miserable Life (Life)

(Miserable Life) Devotion!
(Miserable Life) Emotion!
(Miserable Life) Depression!
(Miserable Life) Obsession!

You can't see me 'cause I'm wearing black.

Mirror lyrics:

You can't see me 'cause I'm wearing black.

(Miserable Life) Obsession!
(Miserable Life) Depression!
(Miserable Life) Emotion!
(Miserable Life) Devotion!

Miserable Life Miserable Life (Life)
Miserable Life Miserable Life
Miserable Life Miserable Life

Don't push me down and call me a woosy
They vie devotion, turn my back on me
Your father, son and your holy ghost
Let me be your perfect scratching post

Miserable Life (Life)
Miserable Life Miserable Life
Miserable Life, Miserable Life
Miserable Life, Miserable Life

Tie me up and call it therapy
If I were happy would you punish me?
Never left my room 'til 25
Well I'm not pretty or good to the eye

Relevant Tags:
FFake DDepeche MMode SSong MMiserable LLife ake epeche ode ong iserable ife aFke eDpeche oMde oSng iMserable iLfe
cake xepeche jode zong jiserable kife cFake xDepeche jMode zSong jMiserable kLife Fcake Dxepeche Mjode Szong Mjiserable Lkife
rake eepeche kode wong kiserable oife rFake eDepeche kMode wSong kMiserable oLife Frake Deepeche Mkode Swong Mkiserable Loife
gake fepeche node dong niserable pife gFake fDepeche nMode dSong nMiserable pLife Fgake Dfepeche Mnode Sdong Mniserable Lpife
take repeche Moode eong Miiserable Liife tFake rDepeche Mde eSong Mserable Lfe Ftake Drepeche Mdoe Seong Msierable Lfie
vake cepeche Mkde xong Mjserable Ljfe vFake cDepeche xSong Ljife Fvake Dcepeche Mokde Sxong Mijserable Lijfe
dake sepeche M9de aong M9serable L9fe dFake sDepeche M9ode aSong M9iserable L9ife Fdake Dsepeche Mo9de Saong Mi9serable Li9fe
Faake M0de Soong Mlserable Llfe Fke Dpeche M0ode Sng Mliserable Llife Fkae Dpeeche Mo0de Snog Milserable Lilfe
Fzke Dspeche Mlde Skng Moserable Lofe Fzake Mlode Skong Moiserable Fazke Despeche Molde Sokng Mioserable Liofe
Fqke D3peche Mide S9ng Mkserable Lkfe Fqake D3epeche Miode S9ong Faqke De3peche Moide So9ng Mikserable Likfe
Fske Dfpeche Modde S0ng M8serable L8fe Fsake Moe S0ong M8iserable L8ife Faske Defpeche Moed So0ng Mi8serable Li8fe
Fwke Drpeche Moxe Slng Muserable Lufe Fwake Moxde Slong Muiserable Luife Fawke Derpeche Modxe Solng Miuserable Liufe
Fxke D4peche Moee Sing Misserable Liffe Fxake D4epeche Moede Siong Mierable Lie Faxke De4peche Modee Soing Miesrable Lief
Fakke Ddpeche Mofe Sonng Mizerable Lice Fae Ddepeche Mofde Sog Mizserable Licfe Faek Dedpeche Modfe Sogn Miszerable Lifce
Fale Dwpeche More Somg Miwerable Lire Falke Dwepeche Morde Somng Miwserable Lirfe Fakle Dewpeche Modre Sonmg Miswerable Lifre
Faoe Deppeche Moce Sohg Miderable Lige Faoke Deeche Mocde Sohng Midserable Ligfe Fakoe Deepche Modce Sonhg Misderable Lifge
Fame De0eche Mose Sojg Mieerable Lite Famke De0peche Mosde Sojng Mieserable Litfe Fakme Dep0eche Modse Sonjg Miseerable Lifte
Faje Deleche Sobg Mixerable Live Fajke Delpeche Mod Sobng Mixserable Livfe Fakje Depleche Mode Sonbg Misxerable Lifve
Faie Deoeche Mods Songg Miaerable Lide Faike Deopeche Son Miaserable Lidfe Fakie Depoeche Modes Song Misaerable Lifde
Fakee Depeeche Mod3 Sonh Lifee Fak Depche Mod3e Misrable Lif Fake Depcehe Mode3 Songh Misreable Life
Faks Depsche Modf Sony Missrable Lifs Fakse Depseche Sonyg Lifse Fakes Depesche Modef Songy Misesrable Lifes
Fak3 Dep3che Modr Sonb Mis3rable Lif3 Fak3e Dep3eche Mis3erable Lif3e Fake3 Depe3che Moder Songb Mise3rable Life3
Fakf Depfche Mod4 Sonv Misfrable Liff Fakfe Depfeche Mod4e Sonvg Misferable Fakef Depefche Mode4 Songv Misefrable Lifef
Fakr Deprche Modd Sonf Misrrable Lifr Fakre Depreche Sonfg Misrerable Faker Deperche Moded Songf Miserrable Lifer
Fak4 Dep4che Modw Sont Mis4rable Lif4 Fak4e Dep4eche Modwe Sontg Mis4erable Lif4e Fake4 Depe4che Modew Songt Mise4rable Life4
Fakd Depdche Misdrable Lifd Fakde Depdeche Faked Depedche Misedrable Lifed
Fakw Depwche Miswrable Lifw Fakwe Depweche Lifwe Fakew Depewche Misewrable Lifew

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