Wild As Angels

I remember it was warm like it used to be
Then still a child like I want to be
With heavy wings I can recall the freedom flown
That's now unknown

Sense of random
Wild as angels
This is the life that we have known

The waters of the deep they do recede
As if decided by global alchemy
With a heavy heart I can recall the freedom
That has flown That's now unknown

Please don't ask me what I do all day
You'll get no reply from me in the nicest way
With a heavy heart I can recall
The freedom that has flown
That's now unknown
Now unknown

Mirror lyrics:

Now unknown
That's now unknown
The freedom that has flown
With a heavy heart I can recall
You'll get no reply from me in the nicest way
Please don't ask me what I do all day

That has flown That's now unknown
With a heavy heart I can recall the freedom
As if decided by global alchemy
The waters of the deep they do recede

This is the life that we have known
Wild as angels
Sense of random

That's now unknown
With heavy wings I can recall the freedom flown
Then still a child like I want to be
I remember it was warm like it used to be

Relevant Tags:
WWild AAs AAngels ild s ngels iWld sA nAgels aild zs zngels aWild zAs zAngels Waild Azs Azngels 3ild qs qngels 3Wild qAs qAngels
W3ild Aqs Aqngels dild ss sngels dWild sAs sAngels Wdild Ass Asngels eild ws wngels eWild wAs wAngels Weild Aws Awngels sild xs xngels
sWild xAs xAngels Wsild Axs Axngels 2ild Anngels 2Wild A Agels W2ild As Agnels qild Az Amgels qWild Amngels Wqild Asz Anmgels
Wiild Aw Ahgels Wld Ahngels Wlid Asw Anhgels Wjld Ad Ajgels Wjild Ads Ajngels Wijld Asd Anjgels W9ld Ae Abgels W9ild Aes Abngels
Wi9ld Ase Anbgels Wlld Ax Anggels Wlild Anels Willd Asx Anegls Wold Aa Anhels Woild Aas Wiold Asa Anghels Wkld Anyels
Wkild Anygels Wikld Angyels W8ld Anbels W8ild Wi8ld Angbels Wuld Anvels Wuild Anvgels Wiuld Angvels
Anfels Wid Anfgels Widl Angfels Wikd Antels Antgels Wilkd Angtels

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