London Suede
The Big Time

I watch the slow hand kill the day
See my starring role tick away
I watch the skyline for him to come
And when he comes along we´ll be gone

And we´ll go into the city
Into the light
We´ll be there in the headlines
There overnight

Cause this is the big time
This is the way
Now he´s in the big time
He´ll show you the way

This is the big time
This is the way
Now he´s in the big time
And you´re in the way

Mirror lyrics:

And you´re in the way
Now he´s in the big time
This is the way
This is the big time

He´ll show you the way
Now he´s in the big time
This is the way
Cause this is the big time

There overnight
We´ll be there in the headlines
Into the light
And we´ll go into the city

And when he comes along we´ll be gone
I watch the skyline for him to come
See my starring role tick away
I watch the slow hand kill the day

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBig TTime he ig ime hTe iBg iTme fhe vig fime fThe vBig fTime Tfhe Bvig Tfime 5he gig 5ime 5The gBig 5Time T5he Bgig T5ime
hhe nig hime hThe nBig hTime Thhe Bnig Thime yhe hig yime yThe hBig yTime Tyhe Bhig Tyime 6he Biig 6ime 6The Bg 6Time T6he Bgi T6ime
ghe Bjg gime gThe Bjig gTime Tghe Bijg Tgime rhe B9g rime rThe B9ig rTime Trhe Bi9g Trime Blg Tiime Te Blig Tme Teh Bilg Tmie
Tje Bog Tjme Tjhe Boig Tjime Thje Biog Tijme Tue Bkg T9me Tuhe Bkig T9ime Thue Bikg Ti9me Tne B8g Tlme Tnhe B8ig Tlime Thne Bi8g Tilme
Tbe Bug Tome Tbhe Buig Toime Thbe Biug Tiome Tge Bigg Tkme Bi Tkime

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