London Bullet

When it comes to a big party
We just sneak away,
having a real cool time
in a lonesome place

Oh when it comes to a big party
we just wonder off in silence
Hey man, leave us alone, we're
Looking for violence

But when it comes to a riot
we're always there

We don't want party
we wanna riot!
We don't wanna party
we wanna riot!
We don't wanna party
we wanna riot!

Mirror lyrics:

we wanna riot!
We don't wanna party
we wanna riot!
We don't wanna party
we wanna riot!
We don't want party

we're always there
But when it comes to a riot

Looking for violence
Hey man, leave us alone, we're
we just wonder off in silence
Oh when it comes to a big party

in a lonesome place
having a real cool time
We just sneak away,
When it comes to a big party

Relevant Tags:
RRiot iot iRot diot dRiot Rdiot 4iot 4Riot R4iot giot gRiot
Rgiot tiot tRiot Rtiot 5iot 5Riot R5iot fiot fRiot Rfiot eiot
eRiot Reiot Riiot Rot Roit Rjot Rjiot Rijot R9ot R9iot Ri9ot
Rlot Rliot Rilot Root Roiot Rioot Rkot Rkiot Rikot R8ot

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