Lola Ray
We're Not Having Any Fun

tonight you will call out my name
and you will see my lungs expand
with me you'll have no reservations
and you will call my name again

so open up your body
lay me on the floor
i wish that you were watching
i wish you wanted more
cuz no one's ever touched me
like the way you do
no one's ever owned me
nobody but you
so open up your body
cuz we're not having any fun
cuz we're not having any fun

and i will heed your every word
blind you with my brilliant tongue
you'll forget your favorite colors
and you will call my name again

so open up your body
lay me on the floor
i wish that you were watching
i wish you wanted more
no one's ever touched me
like the way you do
no one's ever owned me
nobody but you
so open up your body
cuz we're not having any fun
we're not having any fun(x2)
no, we're not having any fun

open up your body
lay me on the floor
wish that you were watching
wish you wanted more
cuz no one's ever touched me
like the way you do
no one's ever owned me
nobody but you

open up your body
lay me on the floor
i wish that you were watching
i wish you wanted more
cuz no one's ever touched me
no one's ever known
the beauty that's my body
nobody but you
open up your body
cuz we're not having any fun
we're not having any fun(x3)

Mirror lyrics:

we're not having any fun(x3)
cuz we're not having any fun
open up your body
nobody but you
the beauty that's my body
no one's ever known
cuz no one's ever touched me
i wish you wanted more
i wish that you were watching
lay me on the floor
open up your body

nobody but you
no one's ever owned me
like the way you do
cuz no one's ever touched me
wish you wanted more
wish that you were watching
lay me on the floor
open up your body

no, we're not having any fun
we're not having any fun(x2)
cuz we're not having any fun
so open up your body
nobody but you
no one's ever owned me
like the way you do
no one's ever touched me
i wish you wanted more
i wish that you were watching
lay me on the floor
so open up your body

and you will call my name again
you'll forget your favorite colors
blind you with my brilliant tongue
and i will heed your every word

cuz we're not having any fun
cuz we're not having any fun
so open up your body
nobody but you
no one's ever owned me
like the way you do
cuz no one's ever touched me
i wish you wanted more
i wish that you were watching
lay me on the floor
so open up your body

and you will call my name again
with me you'll have no reservations
and you will see my lungs expand
tonight you will call out my name

Relevant Tags:
WWe're NNot HHaving AAny FFun e're ot aving ny un eW're oNt aHving nAy uFn ae're mot javing zny cun aWe're mNot jHaving zAny cFun Wae're Nmot Hjaving Azny Fcun
3e're hot uaving qny run 3We're hNot uHaving qAny rFun W3e're Nhot Huaving Aqny Frun de're jot naving sny gun dWe're jNot nHaving sAny gFun Wde're Njot Hnaving Asny Fgun
ee're bot baving wny tun eWe're bNot bHaving wAny tFun Wee're Nbot Hbaving Awny Ftun se're Noot gaving xny vun sWe're Nt gHaving xAny vFun Wse're Nto Hgaving Axny Fvun
2e're Nkt yaving Anny dun 2We're Nkot yHaving Ay dFun W2e're Nokt Hyaving Ayn Fdun qe're N9t Haaving Amy Fuun qWe're N9ot Hving Amny Fn Wqe're No9t Hvaing Anmy Fnu
N0t Hzving Ahy Fhn W're N0ot Hzaving Ahny Fhun W'ere No0t Hazving Anhy Fuhn Ws're Nlt Hqving Ajy F7n Nlot Hqaving Ajny F7un Wes're Nolt Haqving Anjy Fu7n
W3're Nit Hsving Aby Fkn Niot Hsaving Abny Fkun We3're Noit Hasving Anby Fukn Wf're Nott Hwving Anyy Fin Wfe're No Hwaving An Fiun Wef're Not Hawving Any Fuin
Wr're Nof Hxving Ang F8n Wre're Noft Hxaving Angy F8un Wer're Notf Haxving Anyg Fu8n W4're No5 Havving Anh Fjn W4e're No5t Haing Fjun We4're Not5 Haivng Anyh Fujn
Wd're Noh Habing An6 Fyn Noht Habving An6y Fyun Wed're Noth Havbing Any6 Fuyn Ww're Noy Hacing Anu Funn Wwe're Noyt Hacving Anuy Fu Wew're Noty Havcing Anyu Fun
We''re No6 Haging An7 Fum Were No6t Hagving An7y Fumn Wer'e Not6 Havging Any7 Funm We'rre Nog Hafing Anj Fuh We'e Nogt Hafving We'er Notg Havfing Anyj Funh
We'de Nor Haviing Ant Fuj We'dre Nort Havng Anty

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