Logan Lynn
You Win The War (99 Kra! Remix)

Then you want something you can't have and you try to take it back
You try to take it back

But I
I heard just what my father had said
And he put it in my mind
I was a waste of time who wasn't going anywhere
I wasn't going anywhere
I wasn't going anywhere

I saw just what my brother had done and he made it look like fun
I thought it looked like fun

And I know how
I know how to make mother cry
Been doing it all my life
I've done it all my life
It didn't get me anywhere
It didn't get me anywhere
It didn't get me anywhere

I lay down and surrender myself, so you win the war this time
You win the war this time

And I
I don't care where you are going to go
But you need to go tonight
You need to go tonight
'Cause I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere

Mirror lyrics:

I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
'Cause I'm not going anywhere
You need to go tonight
But you need to go tonight
I don't care where you are going to go
And I

You win the war this time
I lay down and surrender myself, so you win the war this time

It didn't get me anywhere
It didn't get me anywhere
It didn't get me anywhere
I've done it all my life
Been doing it all my life
I know how to make mother cry
And I know how

I thought it looked like fun
I saw just what my brother had done and he made it look like fun

I wasn't going anywhere
I wasn't going anywhere
I was a waste of time who wasn't going anywhere
And he put it in my mind
I heard just what my father had said
But I

You try to take it back
Then you want something you can't have and you try to take it back

Relevant Tags:
YYou WWin TThe WWar ((99 KKra! RRemix) ou in he ar 99 ra! emix) oYu iWn hTe aWr 9(9 rKa! eRmix) gou ain fhe aar (999 lra! demix) gYou aWin fThe aWar (9 lKra! dRemix)
Ygou Wain Tfhe Waar (99 Klra! Rdemix) hou 3in 5he 3ar (09 ora! 4emix) hYou 3Win 5The 3War (099 oKra! 4Remix) Yhou W3in T5he W3ar (909 Kora! R4emix) 6ou din hhe dar (i9 mra! gemix)
6You dWin hThe dWar (i99 mKra! gRemix) Y6ou Wdin Thhe Wdar (9i9 Kmra! Rgemix) uou ein yhe ear (o9 jra! temix) uYou eWin yThe eWar (o99 jKra! tRemix) Yuou Wein Tyhe Wear (9o9 Kjra! Rtemix)
7ou sin 6he sar (89 ira! 5emix) 7You sWin 6The sWar (899 iKra! 5Remix) Y7ou Wsin T6he Wsar (989 Kira! R5emix) jou 2in ghe 2ar Krra! femix) jYou 2Win gThe 2War Ka! fRemix)
Yjou W2in Tghe W2ar Kar! Rfemix) tou qin rhe qar (90 Kda! eemix) tYou qWin rThe qWar Kdra! eRemix) Ytou Wqin Trhe Wqar (990 Krda! Reemix) Yoou Wiin (9i K4a!
Yu Wn Te Wr K4ra! Rmix) Yuo Wni Teh Wra (99i Kr4a! Rmeix) Yku Wjn Tje Wzr (9o Kga! Rsmix) Ykou Wjin Tjhe Wzar Kgra! Rsemix) Yoku Wijn Thje Wazr (99o Krga! Resmix)
Y9u W9n Tue Wqr (98 Kta! R3mix) Y9ou W9in Tuhe Ktra! R3emix) Yo9u Wi9n Thue Waqr (998 Krta! Re3mix) Y0u Wln Tne Wsr K5a! Rfmix) Y0ou Wlin Tnhe K5ra!
Yo0u Wiln Thne Wasr Kr5a! Refmix) Ylu Won Tbe Wwr Kfa! Rrmix) Ylou Woin Tbhe Wwar Kfra! Rremix) Yolu Wion Thbe Wawr Krfa! Rermix) Yiu Wkn Tge Wxr Kea! R4mix)
Yiou Wkin Wxar Kera! Yoiu Wikn Thge Waxr Krea! Re4mix) Youu W8n Tye Warr Kraa! Rdmix) Yo W8in Wa Kr! You Wi8n Thye War Kr!a Redmix)
Yoh Wun Thee Wad Krz! Rwmix) Yohu Wuin Th Wadr Krza! Rwemix) Youh Wiun The Ward Kraz! Rewmix)

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