Local Natives

The desk where you sit inside of a
frame made of, made of, of wood
I keep those chopsticks you had from when
you taught abroad, taught abroad, in Japan

I love it all
So much I call
I want you back, back, back, you back

I did not know you as well
as my father, father, knew you
Every question you took the
time to sit and look it up, look it up, in encyclopedia

I love it all
So much I call
I want you back, back, back, you back

I love it all
So much I call
I want you back, back, back, you back

It sounds like we would have had a
great deal to say, to say, to each other
I bet when I leave my body for the sky
the wait, the wait, will be worth it

I love it all
So much I call
I want you back, back, back, you back

I love it all
So much I call
I want you back, back, back, you back

Mirror lyrics:

I want you back, back, back, you back
So much I call
I love it all

I want you back, back, back, you back
So much I call
I love it all

the wait, the wait, will be worth it
I bet when I leave my body for the sky
great deal to say, to say, to each other
It sounds like we would have had a

I want you back, back, back, you back
So much I call
I love it all

I want you back, back, back, you back
So much I call
I love it all

time to sit and look it up, look it up, in encyclopedia
Every question you took the
as my father, father, knew you
I did not know you as well

I want you back, back, back, you back
So much I call
I love it all

you taught abroad, taught abroad, in Japan
I keep those chopsticks you had from when
frame made of, made of, of wood
The desk where you sit inside of a

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