Far Away

And it will stop
a day that lasts forever
Just as the sun sets
It will rise at dawn
for ever after
And I'm sorry
if it aint that sweet
Just Living in the world you meet
But that should never stop you

Because far away
is close at hand
There in the drifting sands
And far away is close at hand
In the imaginations
of every woman and every man
And I'm sorry if it aint that cool
Just living in the world of fools

But it will stop
All that you can see
Is there to tell you
Rain must fall
For the sun to shine
there down upon you
And I'm Sorry if it aint that cool
Just living in the world of fools
But that should never stop you .....

Mirror lyrics:

But that should never stop you .....
Just living in the world of fools
And I'm Sorry if it aint that cool
there down upon you
For the sun to shine
Rain must fall
Is there to tell you
All that you can see
But it will stop

Just living in the world of fools
And I'm sorry if it aint that cool
of every woman and every man
In the imaginations
And far away is close at hand
There in the drifting sands
is close at hand
Because far away

But that should never stop you
Just Living in the world you meet
if it aint that sweet
And I'm sorry
for ever after
It will rise at dawn
Just as the sun sets
a day that lasts forever
And it will stop

Relevant Tags:
FFar AAway ar way aFr wAay car zway cFar zAway Fcar Azway rar qway rFar qAway Frar Aqway gar sway gFar sAway
Fgar Asway tar wway tFar wAway Ftar Awway var xway vFar xAway Fvar Axway dar dFar Aay Fdar Aawy Faar Aaay
Fr Aaway Fra Awaay Fzr A3ay Fzar A3way Fazr Aw3ay Fqr Aday Fqar Adway Faqr Awday Fsr Aeay Fsar Aeway Fasr Aweay
Fwr Asay Fwar Fawr Awsay Fxr A2ay Fxar A2way Faxr Aw2ay

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