Level 42
The Sunbed Song

Level 42 - The sunbed song

I woke up, baby
to find you gone - long gone
now I wake up, baby
turn my sunbed on - turn it on
oh I really love your mind though I can't forget your body
I really love your mind though I can't forget your body
I really love your mind though I can't forget your body
I think about it all night long

late september
summer's over
can't remember
where the love has gone
see you later alligator
don't forget - turn your sunbed on

we broke up, baby
seems the die was cast - too fast
now I break up, baby
when I re-live the past - free at last
well it started as a virtue but it soon became a vice
it started as a virtue but it soon became a vice
I never meant to hurt you but I'm cold as ice
I heard you crying all night long

late september
summer's over
can't remember
where the love has gone
see you later alligator
don't forget - turn your sunbed on

all by myself it runs so deep
I cry myself to restless sleep
a dream surreal, a new game to play
these things I feel in such an artificial way

I woke up, baby
found the summer's gone - long gone
now I wake up, baby
turn my sunbed on - turn it on
and I won't even try to justify my sunglasses
won't even try to justify my sunglasses
won't even try to justify my sunglasses
you'll hear me crying all day long

late september
summer's over
can't remember
where the love has gone
see you later alligator
don't forget - turn your sunbed on

turn it on
whenever you can
turn it on
you know that you can

Mirror lyrics:

you know that you can
turn it on
whenever you can
turn it on

don't forget - turn your sunbed on
see you later alligator
where the love has gone
can't remember
summer's over
late september

you'll hear me crying all day long
won't even try to justify my sunglasses
won't even try to justify my sunglasses
and I won't even try to justify my sunglasses
turn my sunbed on - turn it on
now I wake up, baby
found the summer's gone - long gone
I woke up, baby

these things I feel in such an artificial way
a dream surreal, a new game to play
I cry myself to restless sleep
all by myself it runs so deep

don't forget - turn your sunbed on
see you later alligator
where the love has gone
can't remember
summer's over
late september

I heard you crying all night long
I never meant to hurt you but I'm cold as ice
it started as a virtue but it soon became a vice
well it started as a virtue but it soon became a vice
when I re-live the past - free at last
now I break up, baby
seems the die was cast - too fast
we broke up, baby

don't forget - turn your sunbed on
see you later alligator
where the love has gone
can't remember
summer's over
late september

I think about it all night long
I really love your mind though I can't forget your body
I really love your mind though I can't forget your body
oh I really love your mind though I can't forget your body
turn my sunbed on - turn it on
now I wake up, baby
to find you gone - long gone
I woke up, baby

Level 42 - The sunbed song

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSunbed SSong he unbed ong hTe uSnbed oSng fhe zunbed zong fThe zSunbed zSong Tfhe Szunbed Szong 5he wunbed wong
5The wSunbed wSong T5he Swunbed Swong hhe dunbed dong hThe dSunbed dSong Thhe Sdunbed Sdong yhe eunbed eong yThe eSunbed eSong
Tyhe Seunbed Seong 6he xunbed xong 6The xSunbed xSong T6he Sxunbed Sxong ghe aunbed aong gThe aSunbed aSong Tghe Saunbed Saong
rhe Suunbed Soong rThe Snbed Sng Trhe Snubed Snog Shnbed Skng Te Shunbed Skong Teh Suhnbed Sokng Tje S7nbed S9ng
Tjhe S7unbed S9ong Thje Su7nbed So9ng Tue Sknbed S0ng Tuhe Skunbed S0ong Thue Suknbed So0ng Tne Sinbed Slng Tnhe Siunbed Slong
Thne Suinbed Solng Tbe S8nbed Sing Tbhe S8unbed Siong Thbe Su8nbed Soing Tge Sjnbed Sonng Sjunbed Sog Thge Sujnbed Sogn
Tye Synbed Somg Syunbed Somng Thye Suynbed Sonmg Thee Sunnbed Sohg Th Subed Sohng The Subned Sonhg Ths Sumbed Sojg
Thse Sumnbed Sojng Thes Sunmbed Sonjg Th3 Suhbed Sobg Th3e Sobng The3 Sunhbed Sonbg Thf Sujbed Songg

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