Level 42
I Sleep On My Heart

Level 42 - I sleep on my heart

The time has come for dreaming
Don't be tired, but I feel a need to sleep
Cause my life takes on you meaning
When I close my eyes and you reveal yourself to me
That's our time, time for changes
A time for reason
Something only you can see
All my life I have waited
For a chance to give a love
Only you demand of me

Fame and success are poor relations
The more I get the less I need it
Happiness is an unknown sensation
My heart has a hunger and only you can feed it


Come on in my dreams tonight
Show me where to start
Come on I need to shed some light
I want to sleep on my heart

In the past for protection
When someone got too close
Yet another bridge would burn
But I can find no connection
Between the love that you propose and the lessons I have learned

I want to hear your explanations
You'll never know how much I need it
I want my tears to pay your reflexion
Cause my heart has a hunger and only you can feed it


I'm sitting here surrounded my possessions
Objects that confront me night and day
The fruits of my material obsession
But it seems the more I earn the more I have to pay

You've made it clear that blind ambition
Leads nowhere and I don't need it
I've lost all my fear
All my inhibitions my heart has hunger but I know you can feed it....

Mirror lyrics:

All my inhibitions my heart has hunger but I know you can feed it....
I've lost all my fear
Leads nowhere and I don't need it
You've made it clear that blind ambition

But it seems the more I earn the more I have to pay
The fruits of my material obsession
Objects that confront me night and day
I'm sitting here surrounded my possessions


Cause my heart has a hunger and only you can feed it
I want my tears to pay your reflexion
You'll never know how much I need it
I want to hear your explanations

Between the love that you propose and the lessons I have learned
But I can find no connection
Yet another bridge would burn
When someone got too close
In the past for protection

I want to sleep on my heart
Come on I need to shed some light
Show me where to start
Come on in my dreams tonight


My heart has a hunger and only you can feed it
Happiness is an unknown sensation
The more I get the less I need it
Fame and success are poor relations

Only you demand of me
For a chance to give a love
All my life I have waited
Something only you can see
A time for reason
That's our time, time for changes
When I close my eyes and you reveal yourself to me
Cause my life takes on you meaning
Don't be tired, but I feel a need to sleep
The time has come for dreaming

Level 42 - I sleep on my heart

Relevant Tags:
II SSleep OOn MMy HHeart leep n y eart I lSeep nO yM eHart j zleep kn jy jeart jI zSleep kOn jMy jHeart Ij Szleep Okn Mjy Hjeart
9 wleep 9n ky ueart 9I wSleep 9On kMy uHeart I9 Swleep O9n Mky Hueart l dleep 0n ny neart lI dSleep 0On nMy nHeart Il Sdleep O0n Mny Hneart
o eleep ln Myy beart oI eSleep lOn M bHeart Io Seleep Oln My Hbeart k xleep in Mg geart kI xSleep iOn Mgy gHeart Ik Sxleep Oin Myg Hgeart
8 aleep Onn Mh yeart 8I aSleep O Mhy yHeart I8 Saleep On Myh Hyeart u Slleep Om M6 Heeart uI Seep Omn M6y Hart Iu Selep Onm My6 Haert
Skeep Oh Mu Hsart Skleep Ohn Muy Hseart Slkeep Onh Myu Hesart Soeep Oj M7 H3art Soleep Ojn M7y H3eart Sloeep Onj My7 He3art
Speep Ob Mj Hfart Spleep Obn Hfeart Slpeep Onb Myj Hefart Sleeep Mt Hrart Slep Mty Hreart Sleep Myt Herart
Slsep H4art Slseep H4eart Slesep He4art Sl3ep Hdart Sl3eep Hdeart Sle3ep Hedart
Slfep Hwart Slfeep Hweart Slefep Hewart Slrep Heaart Slreep Hert Slerep Herat
Sl4ep Hezrt Sl4eep Hezart Sle4ep Heazrt Sldep Heqrt

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