Letters To Cleo
He's Got An Answer

Ten thousand years have passed and it don't matter
much to him that ten thousand years have passed before
There's nothing he can't do
Nothing he won't say.
'Cause don't you know he knows it anyway.
He's got an answer for everything.
So if you want to know about landlocked countries in Asia
under the strong-arm hold of Buddhists, it's Nepal
He's got an answer

Mirror lyrics:

He's got an answer
under the strong-arm hold of Buddhists, it's Nepal
So if you want to know about landlocked countries in Asia
He's got an answer for everything.
'Cause don't you know he knows it anyway.
Nothing he won't say.
There's nothing he can't do
much to him that ten thousand years have passed before
Ten thousand years have passed and it don't matter

Relevant Tags:
HHe's GGot AAn AAnswer e's ot n nswer eH's oGt nA nAswer je's hot zn znswer jHe's hGot zAn zAnswer Hje's Ghot Azn Aznswer
ue's yot qn qnswer uHe's yGot qAn qAnswer Hue's Gyot Aqn Aqnswer ne's bot sn snswer nHe's bGot sAn sAnswer Hne's Gbot Asn Asnswer
be's vot wn wnswer bHe's vGot wAn wAnswer Hbe's Gvot Awn Awnswer ge's fot xn xnswer gHe's fGot xAn xAnswer Hge's Gfot Axn Axnswer
ye's tot Ann Annswer yHe's tGot A Aswer Hye's Gtot An Asnwer Hee's Goot Am Amswer H's Gt Amn Amnswer H'es Gto Anm Anmswer
Hs's Gkt Ah Ahswer Hse's Gkot Ahn Ahnswer Hes's Gokt Anh Anhswer H3's G9t Aj Ajswer H3e's G9ot Ajn Ajnswer He3's Go9t Anj Anjswer
Hf's G0t Ab Abswer Hfe's G0ot Abn Abnswer Hef's Go0t Anb Anbswer Hr's Glt Ansswer Hre's Glot Anwer Her's Golt Anwser
H4's Git Anzwer H4e's Giot Anzswer He4's Goit Anszwer Hd's Gott Anwwer Hde's Go Anwswer Hed's Got Answwer
Hw's Gof Andwer Hwe's Goft Andswer Hew's Gotf Ansdwer He''s Go5 Anewer Hes Go5t Aneswer Hes' Got5 Ansewer
He'ss Goh Anxwer He' Goht Anxswer He's Goth Ansxwer He'z Goy Anawer He'zs Goyt Anaswer He'sz Goty Ansawer
He'w Go6 He'ws Go6t Anser

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