Less Than Jake
Summon Monsters

Calling all mothers and fathers,
Come get your sons and daughters.
Right now they're on corners,
Finding ways to cure their boredom.
I'm sitting right here with them,
Waiting on those prescriptions.
Like it's our only mission.

Silver flasks and zip lock bags.
Vacant eyes and sweaty hands.
Cut in thirds then cut in half.
Money to monsters, exchanging hands.

Calling all mothers and fathers,
Come get your sons and daughters.
Right now they're feeling awkward,
Pills and powders in their lockers.
I'm standing right here with them,
Waiting on the voice of reason.
Glass pipes and tunnel vision.

Silver flasks and zip lock bags.
Vacant eyes and sweaty hands.
Cut in thirds then cut in half.
Money to monsters, exchanging hands.

Please excuse me while I sober up,
Hard to tell when you've taken enough

Silver flasks and zip lock bags.
Vacant eyes and sweaty hands.
Cut in thirds then cut in half.
Money to monsters, exchanging hands.

Giving' money to monsters, money to monsters.
Giving money to monsters, summoning monsters.

Mirror lyrics:

Giving money to monsters, summoning monsters.
Giving' money to monsters, money to monsters.

Money to monsters, exchanging hands.
Cut in thirds then cut in half.
Vacant eyes and sweaty hands.
Silver flasks and zip lock bags.

Hard to tell when you've taken enough
Please excuse me while I sober up,

Money to monsters, exchanging hands.
Cut in thirds then cut in half.
Vacant eyes and sweaty hands.
Silver flasks and zip lock bags.

Glass pipes and tunnel vision.
Waiting on the voice of reason.
I'm standing right here with them,
Pills and powders in their lockers.
Right now they're feeling awkward,
Come get your sons and daughters.
Calling all mothers and fathers,

Money to monsters, exchanging hands.
Cut in thirds then cut in half.
Vacant eyes and sweaty hands.
Silver flasks and zip lock bags.

Like it's our only mission.
Waiting on those prescriptions.
I'm sitting right here with them,
Finding ways to cure their boredom.
Right now they're on corners,
Come get your sons and daughters.
Calling all mothers and fathers,

Relevant Tags:
SSummon MMonsters ummon onsters uSmmon oMnsters zummon jonsters zSummon jMonsters Szummon Mjonsters wummon konsters
wSummon kMonsters Swummon Mkonsters dummon nonsters dSummon nMonsters Sdummon Mnonsters eummon Moonsters eSummon Mnsters
Seummon Mnosters xummon Mknsters xSummon Sxummon Moknsters aummon M9nsters aSummon M9onsters Saummon Mo9nsters
Suummon M0nsters Smmon M0onsters Smumon Mo0nsters Shmmon Mlnsters Shummon Mlonsters Suhmmon Molnsters S7mmon Minsters
S7ummon Mionsters Su7mmon Moinsters Skmmon Monnsters Skummon Mosters Sukmmon Mosnters Simmon Momsters Siummon Momnsters
Suimmon Monmsters S8mmon Mohsters S8ummon Mohnsters Su8mmon Monhsters Sjmmon Mojsters Sjummon Mojnsters Sujmmon Monjsters
Symmon Mobsters Syummon Mobnsters Suymmon Monbsters Summmon Monssters Sumon Monters Summon Montsers Sujmon Monzters
Monzsters Sumjmon Monszters Sukmon Monwters Monwsters Sumkmon Monswters Sunmon Mondters Sunmmon Mondsters
Sumnmon Monsdters Moneters Monesters Sumomn Monseters Sumjon Monxters Monxsters Summjon Monsxters
Sumkon Monaters Monasters Summkon Monsaters Sumnon Monstters Monsers Summnon Monsetrs Summoon Monsfers
Summn Monsfters Summno Monstfers Summkn Mons5ers Mons5ters Summokn Monst5ers

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