Lorrie Morgan
He Talks To Me

(Rory Bourke - Mike Reid)

He might not ever be a lady's man
Maybe his calloused hands
Have been too long in the sun
But he will always be the one I love
'Cause he still does
What no one has ever done
And it means more to me
Than he will ever know
'Cause words could never say
How much I love the way.

He talks to me
It does my heart good
To hear him talk to me
The way a lover should
He can ease my frustration
With his soothing conversation
And I love the way he's not afraid
To talk to me.

--- Instrumental ---

Now you can talk about the finer things
Big cars and diamond rings
That light up your life
But let me tell you that the finest thing
Is the joy he brings
When we turn out the light
And in those moments after we make love
That's when he holds me close
Gives me what I need the most.

He talks to me
It does my heart good
To hear him talk to me
The way a lover should
He can ease my frustration
With his soothing conversation
And I love the way he's not afraid
To talk to me.

Oh, I love the way he's not afraid to talk to me...

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, I love the way he's not afraid to talk to me...

To talk to me.
And I love the way he's not afraid
With his soothing conversation
He can ease my frustration
The way a lover should
To hear him talk to me
It does my heart good
He talks to me

Gives me what I need the most.
That's when he holds me close
And in those moments after we make love
When we turn out the light
Is the joy he brings
But let me tell you that the finest thing
That light up your life
Big cars and diamond rings
Now you can talk about the finer things

--- Instrumental ---

To talk to me.
And I love the way he's not afraid
With his soothing conversation
He can ease my frustration
The way a lover should
To hear him talk to me
It does my heart good
He talks to me

How much I love the way.
'Cause words could never say
Than he will ever know
And it means more to me
What no one has ever done
'Cause he still does
But he will always be the one I love
Have been too long in the sun
Maybe his calloused hands
He might not ever be a lady's man

(Rory Bourke - Mike Reid)

Relevant Tags:
HHe TTalks TTo MMe e alks o e eH aTlks oT eM je falks fo je jHe fTalks fTo jMe Hje Tfalks Tfo Mje ue 5alks 5o ke uHe 5Talks 5To kMe
Hue T5alks T5o Mke ne halks ho ne nHe hTalks hTo nMe Hne Thalks Tho Mne be yalks yo Mee bHe yTalks yTo M Hbe Tyalks Tyo Me ge 6alks 6o Ms
gHe 6Talks 6To Mse Hge T6alks T6o Mes ye galks go M3 yHe gTalks gTo M3e Hye Tgalks Tgo Me3 Hee ralks ro Mf H rTalks rTo Mfe He Tralks Tro Mef
Hs Taalks Too Mr Hse Tlks T Mre Hes Tlaks To Mer H3 Tzlks Tk M4 H3e Tzalks Tko M4e He3 Tazlks Tok Me4 Hf Tqlks T9 Md Hfe Tqalks T9o Mde
Hef Taqlks To9 Med Hr Tslks T0 Mw Hre Tsalks T0o Mwe Her Taslks To0 Mew H4 Twlks Tl H4e Twalks Tlo He4 Tawlks Tol Hd Txlks Ti
Hde Txalks Tio Hed Taxlks Toi Hw Tallks Hwe Taks Hew Takls

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