Lorrie Morgan
Good As I Was To You

She Drove up to the restaurant
Where they used to dine,
he was sittin at the table
with someone new this time
She walked up right beside him
her face did not turn red,
She looked at him so calmly, and this is what she said:

good as i was to you, is this the thanks i get?
Are all the years we shared, so easy to forget?
Does this mean that you've won?
Are you finally having fun?
Is she your dream come true?
Oh, she sure looks good, but she wont ever be
Good as i was to you.

The room got awful quiet, Everybody stared
Finally the waiter said, "should i bring another chair?"
She said "no i was just leavin' "
but as she walked out the door
She said "honey, you can have him, I dont want him anymore."

Good as i was to you, is this the thanks i get?
Are all the years we shared, So easy to forget?
Is the way its done, lookin out for number one?
Did you think it through?
Oh, she sure looks good, but she wont never be GOOD as i was to you.

Does this mean that you've won?
Are you finally havin' fun?
Is she your dream come true?
oh she sure looks good, but she wont ever be good as i was to you.

good as I was to you.

Mirror lyrics:

good as I was to you.

oh she sure looks good, but she wont ever be good as i was to you.
Is she your dream come true?
Are you finally havin' fun?
Does this mean that you've won?

Oh, she sure looks good, but she wont never be GOOD as i was to you.
Did you think it through?
Is the way its done, lookin out for number one?
Are all the years we shared, So easy to forget?
Good as i was to you, is this the thanks i get?

She said "honey, you can have him, I dont want him anymore."
but as she walked out the door
She said "no i was just leavin' "
Finally the waiter said, "should i bring another chair?"
The room got awful quiet, Everybody stared

Good as i was to you.
Oh, she sure looks good, but she wont ever be
Is she your dream come true?
Are you finally having fun?
Does this mean that you've won?
Are all the years we shared, so easy to forget?
good as i was to you, is this the thanks i get?

She looked at him so calmly, and this is what she said:
her face did not turn red,
She walked up right beside him
with someone new this time
he was sittin at the table
Where they used to dine,
She Drove up to the restaurant

Relevant Tags:
GGood AAs II WWas TTo YYou ood s as o ou oGod sA I aWs oT oYu hood zs j aas fo gou hGood zAs jI aWas fTo gYou Ghood Azs Ij Waas Tfo Ygou
yood qs 9 3as 5o hou yGood qAs 9I 3Was 5To hYou Gyood Aqs I9 W3as T5o Yhou bood ss l das ho 6ou bGood sAs lI dWas hTo 6You Gbood Ass Il Wdas Tho Y6ou
vood ws o eas yo uou vGood wAs oI eWas yTo uYou Gvood Aws Io Weas Tyo Yuou food xs k sas 6o 7ou fGood xAs kI sWas 6To 7You Gfood Axs Ik Wsas T6o Y7ou
tood 8 2as go jou tGood A 8I 2Was gTo jYou Gtood As I8 W2as Tgo Yjou Goood Az u qas ro tou God uI qWas rTo tYou Good Asz Iu Wqas Tro Ytou
Gkod Aw Too Yoou Gkood Ws T Yu Gokod Asw Wsa To Yuo G9od Ad Wzs Tk Yku G9ood Ads Wzas Tko Ykou Go9od Asd Wazs Tok Yoku
G0od Ae Wqs T9 Y9u G0ood Aes T9o Y9ou Go0od Ase Waqs To9 Yo9u Glod Ax Wss T0 Y0u Glood T0o Y0ou

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