Lori Perry
Up Against The Wind

Day after day seems like I push against the clouds,
They just keep blocking out the sun,
It seems since I was born,
I've waken every bless'd morning,
Down on my luck, and up against the wind

Don't you stop,
Don't you run,
Don't you cry,

You'll do fine
You'll be good
You'll get by

Night after night seem like I rage against the moon,
But it don't ever light the dark mmmm....no,
I curse the falling rain,
But it won't stop for my complaining,
Down on my luck and up against the wind,

Don't you stop
Don't you run
Don't you cry

Ad lib to fade

Mirror lyrics:

Ad lib to fade

Don't you cry
Don't you run
Don't you stop

Down on my luck and up against the wind,
But it won't stop for my complaining,
I curse the falling rain,
But it don't ever light the dark mmmm....no,
Night after night seem like I rage against the moon,

You'll get by
You'll be good
You'll do fine

Don't you cry,
Don't you run,
Don't you stop,

Down on my luck, and up against the wind
I've waken every bless'd morning,
It seems since I was born,
They just keep blocking out the sun,
Day after day seems like I push against the clouds,

Relevant Tags:
UUp AAgainst TThe WWind p gainst he ind pU gAainst hTe iWnd hp zgainst fhe aind hUp zAgainst fThe aWind Uhp Azgainst Tfhe Waind
7p qgainst 5he 3ind 7Up qAgainst 5The 3Wind U7p Aqgainst T5he W3ind kp sgainst hhe dind kUp sAgainst hThe dWind Ukp Asgainst Thhe Wdind
ip wgainst yhe eind iUp wAgainst yThe eWind Uip Awgainst Tyhe Weind 8p xgainst 6he sind 8Up xAgainst 6The sWind U8p Axgainst T6he Wsind
jp Aggainst ghe 2ind jUp Aainst gThe 2Wind Ujp Aaginst Tghe W2ind yp Ahainst rhe qind yUp Ahgainst rThe qWind Uyp Aghainst Trhe Wqind
Upp Ayainst Wiind U Aygainst Te Wnd Up Agyainst Teh Wnid U0 Abainst Tje Wjnd U0p Abgainst Tjhe Wjind Up0 Agbainst Thje Wijnd
Ul Avainst Tue W9nd Ulp Avgainst Tuhe W9ind Upl Agvainst Thue Wi9nd Uo Afainst Tne Wlnd Uop Afgainst Tnhe Wlind Upo Agfainst Thne Wilnd
Atainst Tbe Wond Atgainst Tbhe Woind Agtainst Thbe Wiond Agaainst Tge Wknd Aginst Wkind Agianst Thge Wiknd
Agzinst Tye W8nd Agzainst W8ind Agazinst Thye Wi8nd Agqinst Thee Wund Agqainst Th Wuind Agaqinst The Wiund
Agsinst Ths Winnd Agsainst Thse Wid Agasinst Thes Widn Agwinst Th3 Wimd Agwainst Th3e Wimnd Agawinst The3 Winmd
Agxinst Thf Wihd Agxainst Thfe Wihnd Agaxinst Thef Winhd Agaiinst Thr Wijd Aganst Thre Aganist Ther Winjd
Agajnst Th4 Wibd Agajinst Th4e Wibnd Agaijnst The4 Winbd Aga9nst Thd Windd Aga9inst Thde Win Agai9nst Thed Wind
Agalnst Thw Winx Agalinst Thwe Winxd Agailnst Thew Windx Agaonst Wine

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