Lou Reed
Love Makes You Feel

Life isn't what is seems
I'm forever drifting into dreams
Such a sad affair
to always be drifting into air

But it's not what you say or you do
that makes me feel like I am falling
It's things that we've both been through
that makes me feel like I am upside down

And love makes you feel ten foot tall
Yes, love makes you feel ten foot tall

Just a funny thing
I'm forever drifting into dreams
Huh, just not the proper thing
to always be drifting into dreams

But it's not what you say or you do
that makes me feel like I am falling
It's things that we've both been through
that makes me feel like I am upside down

And love makes you feel ten foot tall
Yes, love makes you feel ten foot tall

And it sounds like this

Mirror lyrics:

And it sounds like this

Yes, love makes you feel ten foot tall
And love makes you feel ten foot tall

that makes me feel like I am upside down
It's things that we've both been through
that makes me feel like I am falling
But it's not what you say or you do

to always be drifting into dreams
Huh, just not the proper thing
I'm forever drifting into dreams
Just a funny thing

Yes, love makes you feel ten foot tall
And love makes you feel ten foot tall

that makes me feel like I am upside down
It's things that we've both been through
that makes me feel like I am falling
But it's not what you say or you do

to always be drifting into air
Such a sad affair
I'm forever drifting into dreams
Life isn't what is seems

Relevant Tags:
LLove MMakes YYou FFeel ove akes ou eel oLve aMkes oYu eFel kove jakes gou ceel kLove jMakes gYou cFeel Lkove Mjakes Ygou Fceel
oove kakes hou reel oLove kMakes hYou rFeel Loove Mkakes Yhou Freel pove nakes 6ou geel pLove nMakes 6You gFeel Lpove Mnakes Y6ou Fgeel
Maakes uou teel Lve Mkes uYou tFeel Lvoe Mkaes Yuou Fteel Lkve Mzkes 7ou veel Mzakes 7You vFeel Lokve Mazkes Y7ou Fveel
L9ve Mqkes jou deel L9ove Mqakes jYou dFeel Lo9ve Maqkes Yjou Fdeel L0ve Mskes tou Feeel L0ove Msakes tYou Fel Lo0ve Maskes Ytou Feel
Llve Mwkes Yoou Fsel Llove Mwakes Yu Fseel Lolve Mawkes Yuo Fesel Live Mxkes Yku F3el Liove Mxakes Ykou F3eel Loive Maxkes Yoku Fe3el
Lovve Makkes Y9u Ffel Loe Maes Y9ou Ffeel Loev Maeks Yo9u Fefel Lobe Males Y0u Frel Lobve Malkes Y0ou Lovbe Makles Yo0u Ferel
Loce Maoes Ylu F4el Locve Maokes Ylou F4eel Lovce Makoes Yolu Fe4el Loge Mames Yiu Fdel Logve Mamkes Yiou Lovge Makmes Yoiu Fedel
Lofe Majes Youu Fwel Lofve Majkes Yo Fweel Lovfe Makjes You Fewel

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