Lou Reed
Love Is Here To Stay

Love is here, here to stay
love is here, here to stay
It gets proven every day
love is here, here to stay

They both love Chinese food, he hates to dress
he loves to play pinball, she wants to play next
She likes her novels long, he's into comic books
they're gilt-edged polymorphous urban but somehow it works

'Cause love is here, here to stay
love is here, here to stay
It gets proven every day
love is here, here to stay

She likes Truman Capote, he likes Gore Vidal
he likes Edgar Allan Poe, she's into Mean Joe Greene
She thinks eating meat's disgusting, he likes hot dogs
she's into Gestalt therapy
while est and the vest just make him ill
But love is here to stay

Love is here, here to stay
love is here, here to stay
It gets proven every day
love is here, here to stay
Love is here, here to stay
love is here, here to stay
It gets proven every day
love is here, here to stay

Mirror lyrics:

love is here, here to stay
It gets proven every day
love is here, here to stay
Love is here, here to stay
love is here, here to stay
It gets proven every day
love is here, here to stay
Love is here, here to stay

But love is here to stay
while est and the vest just make him ill
she's into Gestalt therapy
She thinks eating meat's disgusting, he likes hot dogs
he likes Edgar Allan Poe, she's into Mean Joe Greene
She likes Truman Capote, he likes Gore Vidal

love is here, here to stay
It gets proven every day
love is here, here to stay
'Cause love is here, here to stay

they're gilt-edged polymorphous urban but somehow it works
She likes her novels long, he's into comic books
he loves to play pinball, she wants to play next
They both love Chinese food, he hates to dress

love is here, here to stay
It gets proven every day
love is here, here to stay
Love is here, here to stay

Relevant Tags:
LLove IIs HHere TTo SStay ove s ere o tay oLve sI eHre oT tSay kove js jere fo ztay kLove jIs jHere fTo zStay Lkove Ijs Hjere Tfo Sztay
oove 9s uere 5o wtay oLove 9Is uHere 5To wStay Loove I9s Huere T5o Swtay pove ls nere ho dtay pLove lIs nHere hTo dStay Lpove Ils Hnere Tho Sdtay
os bere yo etay Lve oIs bHere yTo eStay Lvoe Ios Hbere Tyo Setay Lkve ks gere 6o xtay kIs gHere 6To xStay Lokve Iks Hgere T6o Sxtay
L9ve 8s yere go atay L9ove 8Is yHere gTo aStay Lo9ve I8s Hyere Tgo Satay L0ve us Heere ro Sttay L0ove uIs Hre rTo Say Lo0ve Ius Hree Tro Saty
Llve Iss Hsre Too Sfay Llove I Hsere T Sftay Lolve Is Hesre To Stfay Live Iz H3re Tk S5ay Liove Izs H3ere Tko S5tay Loive Isz He3re Tok St5ay
Lovve Iw Hfre T9 Shay Loe Iws Hfere T9o Shtay Loev Isw Hefre To9 Sthay Lobe Id Hrre T0 Syay Lobve Ids Hrere T0o Sytay Lovbe Isd Herre To0 Styay
Loce Ie H4re Tl S6ay Locve Ies H4ere Tlo S6tay Lovce Ise He4re Tol St6ay Loge Ix Hdre Ti Sgay Logve Ixs Hdere Tio Sgtay Lovge Isx Hedre Toi Stgay
Lofe Ia Hwre Sray Lofve Ias Hwere Srtay

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